HjemForumCasinoerSnatch Casino – generel debat

Snatch Casino – generel debat (side 9)

 af caiods20221
64.420 visninger 358 svar |
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I would like to start by saying that nobody pays us for any evaluations.

However, as far as your case is concerned, I see that you have a problem with account verification. What specifically do you think the casino shouldn't ask for ? How long have you been unable to verify and withdraw money? Tell us more about it so we can try to assess the situation and try to help you. Unless of course you have already lost your money. 

Hej allesammen.

Jeg har et problem med dette casino.

Jeg spillede en indbetalingsbonus.

Jeg spillede faktisk 3 på samme tid.

2x gratis spins af forskellig værdi og en kontant.

Jeg gennemførte de 3 bonusser, foretog en udbetaling på €350 og så min saldo falde til €140, da der var en maksimal udbetaling.

Selvom jeg ikke kan se det skrevet nogen steder, er det ok.

Jeg spillede igen og vandt og lavede en udbetalingsanmodning på €500 denne gang.

Til min overraskelse blev udbetalingen annulleret, og de tog mine gevinster igen, og jeg stod tilbage med €144.

Økonomiafdelingen hævder retten til at tage mine gevinster igen, fordi der var 3 bonusser med maksimal udbetaling.

Første gang havde kasinoet allerede trukket mine gevinster og efterladt mig med €140 til rådighed til at hæve eller spille.

Jeg spiller, jeg vinder, jeg beder om udbetalingen, og de tager mine penge.

Nogen der kan analysere dette korrekt??

Jeg overvejer at klage

Automatisk oversættelse:


Are you sure that this €140 wasn't meant only for a withdrawal?

Sometimes only after the successful withdrawal does the bonus end, and another one becomes available.

Can you perhaps paste in the casino's explanation? I'd say that would help a lot. 🤷‍♀️


Jeg havde 3 bonusser på samme tid

Men jeg endte med at få saldoen annulleret 2x, og det ville sandsynligvis være 3x, men det er allerede gået, og jeg tabte pengene, og det er disse holdninger, der viser kvaliteten af et kasino.

Dette casino er et middelmådigt casino.

De kan ikke lide at betale

Jeg forlader dette kasino

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sure thing, I would also leave if I were convinced it's not decent.

Still, I have not encountered many casinos that allow three active bonuses at the same time. If you don't mind, maybe you can share the casino's point of view on the whole situation.

Of course, it's optional. 🙂


Følgende er

Kasinoet kan ikke lide at betale

Det er alt sammen ikke mere at sige.

For mig er alle casinoer, der har indskudsbonusser med maksimale udbetalinger, middelmådige casinoer

De kan ikke lide at betale


Automatisk oversættelse:

Fair enough; thanks for sharing. I'd say even a good casino may provide disadvantageous bonuses, but that's probably just me now.

One way or another, thanks for your user review too!


Han kan? 🤔

Jeg tvivler på det, et godt casino har intet behov for dette og risikerer sit image på grund af disse middelmådige bonusser


Automatisk oversættelse:

Casinos can do whatever they like when it comes to bonuses. Some casinos provide great support agents, an exciting portfolio of games, decent cashback bonuses, and fair and square rules - but the standard scale of no deposit bonuses or sticky bonuses simply stinks. This is what I intended to say.

I hope you feel the difference.

i im waiting my withdraws 4 days. your department has asked me 100 documents. i have send them all correctly and they ask me i last screenshot of my bank username and adress.ibank accounts are restricted apps and dont allow this . i send them a photo with other phone to my phone and they dont accept it. im 10 years player and first time i am passing this. whats the real point for this thing?



Do you have any idea what might be wrong with all these documents you have already provided? Has the casino explained or provided any kind of update or better instructions you may follow in order to pass the verification? I'm just asking to get a better idea about your situation.


Hvorfor skal jeg trække disse 140 tilbage? Og hvorfor kan jeg ikke smide de penge?

Jeg forstår ikke logikken

Automatisk oversættelse:

Im waiting your response because they will scam me . They ask documents that are not existing.

@radka if you want i have all the emails and all the conversations


im waiting for your response and i wish to help me

Hvorfor skal jeg trække disse 140 tilbage? Og hvorfor kan jeg ikke smide de penge?

Jeg forstår ikke logikken

Automatisk oversættelse:

Because sometimes the bonus only ends when you withdraw the money. It's strange what I've read and that you played with 3 bonuses at once but unfortunately it's true.

What do you mean- "And why can't I throw that money?" like why couldn't you keep playing with them or is it something else ? 

Im waiting your response because they will scam me . They ask documents that are not existing.

Hi, Radka is an admin on the forum so if you mean that you expect an answer in your complaint then Radka has nothing to do with it. As far as your documents are concerned, I saw that the casino asks you for something you say you can't provide. Did you try to ask the support how it would be possible or what you should do to get such a document ? 

However, I noticed that Kristina replied to your complaint a few minutes ago, so it would be best if you update her with what you have.

You can do so here on this link ⬅️

I hope it will be possible to help you to verify and withdraw your money. If you have something new, don't hesitate to let me know.


Ja, hvorfor kan jeg ikke bruge de penge til at spille i stedet for at hæve?!

Automatisk oversættelse:

7 DAYS NOW and snatch casino keeps asking me some documents and same things. im afraid i will lose my winnings.i will update to you ......

Ja, hvorfor kan jeg ikke bruge de penge til at spille i stedet for at hæve?!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I think it's because when the bonus ended, it ended with the withdrawal as it was said. If you were allowed to play with that money and you wagered more and the casino applied the fact that you won more than the bonus itself allows, they would let you keep what you can withdraw and take the rest, which many players don't like. So I think this is the better case. 

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