HjemForumCasinoerSpicy Jackpots Casino – generel debat

Spicy Jackpots Casino – generel debat (side 5)

 af jnunn215
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All I understand they deliberately deleted my account to get rid of evidence to cover there backs I have blocked any contact just mabe 1 day they may get caught


du bør kun være på ét casino hele tiden. de samme spil og runder .vil være nøjagtig det samme som . ny eller gammel. på kasinoet. det er derfor jeg ikke engang stoler på og tør indbetale på nye casinoer længere. fordi .penge. er den, der skal tabe. hvorfor miste det. er et sted for overvejelse og tænkning. hvorfor er der nye? kasinoer .kan være den samme gruppe. der laver nye casinoer med forskellige navne. ingen ved. bare se efter sådan et casino, der har fået et godt ry. og du ved, at casinoet betaler. læst ud fra erfaringer. de spillere klager ikke over andet end. gevinster udbetales ikke. det er det, det hele handler om. ny eller gammel. præcis det samme de bruger. tillid opnås.kun ved at give pålidelighed. altid.sort liste. hvorfor spille den sorte liste bliver dog ikke renere. som ville forsøge at få retfærdighed og sikkerhed der. mit råd er. live leg når med en og prøv. med et lille beløb. vil du betale endda 20 e? tilbage til dig.når du går hjem. generelt er de store mærker pålidelige. ellers ville de ikke være på overfladen. Alt det bedste. og forhåbentlig finder du dit yndlingscasino uden at bekymre dig og være usikker. ikke alle kan stole på.

Automatisk oversættelse:

5 years am on gamstop I put myself there as doint trust any sites rather play land bingo


Hej. skal stadig. sige. glem at casino .du ikke kan .dip.og gøre noget. dine penge har du mistet .men live mister ikke mere. intet kan gøres ved dem. ingen beskytter eller garanterer. du ville allerede være garanteret og beskyttet, hvis nogen gjorde noget. i dag er der ingen garantier for casinoets pålidelighed. sådan har jeg selv oplevet det. fra tusind kasinoer. Jeg har stolet på 10 stk. siger det noget? de tager millioner. og du får ikke dine gevinster ud.

Automatisk oversættelse:

farvel ja det er det. det samme blev gjort mod mig..kasinoverdenen er beskidt og fuld af korruption.ingen overvåger.ingen er ligeglad. Sådan har jeg det altid. det er min mening. hvorfor .hvis der var 100 kasinoer og kun ét pålideligt casino. du kan regne med det. så i verden. nu er der 5000 kasinoer. en stor bunke hø at sigte igennem. Den konklusion er jeg selv kommet til. Jeg er ikke interesseret, og jeg vil ikke se på et nyt casino. fordi. når du ser et nyt casino med samme ejer. som er sort eller uanede. Jeg vil ikke tage dertil. at prøve ærlighed ved kasinoet. førstnævnte ødelægger altid kasinoets omdømme. med samme ejer. hvis jeg havde en kasinolicens og tog kasinoet som partner. hvilket ikke ville være ærligt. fra at ødelægge mit omdømme. altså god start på efteråret.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Answer to all your questions I have told you all I know even sent you the conversation I have been intouch with other people it seems these sites are untouchable and continually getting away with what they are doing to customers yes bad choice on my side they have the cheek to send me offers I am sorry if I came across like i did I call a spade a spade no I am trying to get them prosecution for what they did it's a hard task coming across liers like them I had to get my card details changed because they took funds out of my bank never again will I trust anyone a non gamstop site no certainly not my bank picked it up I got a complete new card different numbers so if the bank can't do anything about them nobody can so I rest my case just want to move on count my losses

Focus on the basics, please. The complaint won't progress further without your cooperation.

Read this, please:


Please understand that in order to confront the casino about your voided or unpaid winnings we will need some supporting evidence. You can forward any relevant communication or supporting evidence to petronela.k@casino.guru."

So - no, you have not provided sufficient information, provided anything just yet.

Update the complaint right here, please:



This is a thread about Spicy Jackpots Casino - Has anything you mentioned occurred to you in this casino, perhaps? If so, and you still possess an active balance in the casino, I would submit a complaint through the Casino Guru Resolution Center.

Yes, playing in casinos is risky, hence we focus on providing information about every online casino we find aiming to provide the world's biggest source of information about online casinos

Up-to-date reviews of all online casinos, bonus database, global community, complaint help, and more.

I have sent relevant information about them all I have proof of the date I joined so if that is not enough I doint know what is

It seems that nothing gets solved hear its all just chat no action I have given detailed evidence of what happened to me I have sent everything possible just waisted my time and effort


I'm sorry to remain in opposition, but the thing is that the complaint is still open - so making an assumption would be a mistake, I'd say. Untill the complaint is closed with a plain verdict, I won't take sides.

Specifically, if there are questions concerning the second email address. Please, keep up with the process. As soon as your complaint handler fully understands all parts of this issue, the next step will follow.

I hope the closure will come soon and you'll get the money.🤞🤞

This is what they do confusion bring up absolutely everything that they can to get away with paying out example using my middle name as my account holder they know there business everything that they can get hold of they do for there own benefits


As the saying goes, "a drowning man grasps at straws", so some casinos are trying to find anything that could be to their advantage. 

I looked at your complaint. As for your middle name, did I understand correctly that they used it to accuse you of something? Like, you're not verified?

However, until we have a final verdict and know how the complaint will turn out, we can only wait and see where it goes. 

Spot on the verdict haven't got any feelings about this yes it seems they are doing this alot to other people as far as I can see they get away with it again hope just 1 day they get what's coming to them thow the book at them as being verified they deliberately closed my account in 1 day I expect they have still got my details passport bank card as still sending me promotions not on my watch they woint ever get anywhere now as far as my bank they cannot access my bank now as the bank desisided to change my account details and numbers they doint deserve to have such a site copyright games no licence it just goes to show what crooks they are


I imagine you are not going to like this, but according to the complaint, we are actually lacking proof to support your version.

Allow me to stress this fact out by quoting from the complaint:

"Nonetheless, up to this point, I have yet to receive any corroborating proof of a $100 win that would enable us to address the matter with the casino."

Without such information I believe the cause is lost, despite your latest story:

"I have no other supporting evidence I have given you all details via email they have used absolutely anything to get away with the withdrawal they conviently deleted all my transactions for themselves but kept my email yes they somehow got hold of my other account hotmail and use that to cover up my withdrawal also used my middle name they created that I was shocked that they did this themselves putting the blame on me this is totally wrong so I did not create 2 accounts they did this to cover themselves as for transcripts there"

Those are quite strong accusations, yet we need your help to even confront the casino. I believe you would be told the same if you tried to turn to some authority for instance.

I hope you understand.

Lacking proof that is exactly what they do to customers I have wasted my time I new I wouldn't get anywhere hear well done!! No the authorities would get to the bottom of this it's not strong accusations it's the truth as for not enough evidence that's enough to sink them seems your on there side not mine! Thanks for nothing

In 1 day my account closed then told 7-21 days then change of account name then unverified not a chance to prove that I had withdrawal pending I have given you enough evidence hear you just are on there sides how sad is this


If you think an authority would support you, it would do so on the basis of evidence which, unfortunately, you do not possess, or is insufficient. If you simply accuse a casino of similar things and you have no relevant evidence to support your view, it is difficult to help you, even though we have tried. That way, a player could then come along and say that the casino did something wrong and we or the authority should be on the player's side, according to your thinking. This is not to say that we are taking sides one way or the other. But without proof of a $100 win, it's not possible. 

I'm sorry we weren't able to do more, but at least next time you'll know to be more careful and maybe take some extra screenshots. Even with this unpleasant situation, I hope you don't get into a similar one in the future. 

If you think an authority would support you, it would do so on the basis of evidence which, unfortunately, you do not possess, or is insufficient. If you simply accuse a casino of similar things and you have no relevant evidence to support your view, it is difficult to help you, even though we have tried. That way, a player could then come along and say that the casino did something wrong and we or the authority should be on the player's side, according to your thinking. This is not to say that we are taking sides one way or the other. But without proof of a $100 win, it's not possible. 

I'm sorry we weren't able to do more, but at least next time you'll know to be more careful and maybe take some extra screenshots. Even with this unpleasant situation, I hope you don't get into a similar one in the future. 

Jeg er fuldstændig enig med dig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I won £217 on Christmas eve 2024 on a slot on spicyjackpot online and still not received my money and it's the 13th of February. Support just ignore you and are so rude, I've been validated since day one back in December 2024. They sent 19 reminders to finance haha and they been telling me there's a delay for the last 5 weeks and it's just a joke. Can anyone help on what to do next. Thanks


Hi, I don't think it should take that long if you're already verified. Did they tell you anything specific about your case? 

In that case, I wouldn't hesitate to open a complaint, which you can find on this link. ⬅️

We will try to assist you in your situation and see what we can find out.

Of course, could I also ask what casino this is?

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