Hej, jeg forstår, at det bestemt ikke er rart at gennemgå verifikation, når dit sidste dokument er forkert, og det stadig er afvist. Live chat har dog intet med dette at gøre, den slags håndteres af en anden afdeling. De vil kun fortælle dig, hvad de også ved. Men prøvede du at sende en e-mail til casinoet, hvad du skal gøre i dette tilfælde, og hvad er problemet med din transaktionshistorik? Har kasinoet fortalt dig noget om det?
Uanset hvad, da du har en åben klage, vil vores team forsøge at hjælpe dig, hvis det stadig ikke lykkes. Jeg håber, du vil være i stand til at bekræfte din konto.
Hi, I understand that it's certainly not nice to go through verification when your last document is wrong and it's still rejected. However, live chat has nothing to do with this, this kind of thing is handled by another department. They will only tell you what they know too. But did you try to email the casino what you should do in this case and what is the issue with your transaction history ? Did the casino tell you anything about it ?
Anyway, since you have an open complaint, our team will try to assist you if it still doesn't work out. I hope you will be able to verify your account.
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