HjemForumCasinoerSushi Casino – generel debat

Sushi Casino – generel debat

 af netoflausino
3.475 visninger 23 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Sushi Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Im waiting for 800€ 4 days..at 3 days I sent message to chat that what is going on with my withdrawal and they said that everything is fine and i have to wait..the money wasnt in my bank account at the fourth day and i sent again message to chat and they said to me that i cant withdraw the whole amount and that there is a limit for 600€ per day…no one before imform about that and if i didn’t send everyday message i dont know how much i would wait for the money..they are fooling the customers and they dont inform for problems..


Hi, according to our review of this casino I also see the same information and that the daily limit is 600€. Too bad the casino didn't tell you right away, but I don't think the casino would lie or anything like that. Of course, if you hadn't written to the chat, you probably wouldn't have found out, but in the end you know how it is. 

So did you submit another withdrawal of that amount and are you waiting for it or have you already received the money ? 

I submitted new withdrawal but im still waiting…i dont want to wait 3 more days or more for the money..im waiting already 4 days..and i said to casinos chat that i want my money today because is their problem that they didn’t say to me that i cant withdraw more than 600€


I understand that, of course sometimes it is good to read the Terms and Conditions to know such things. We give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process, so if you have any further issues, you can certainly contact us. 

I will wait for your update. 

Ok mate…ty very much


You're welcome. 

I was also thinking that if you ever want to reply to someone and would like to increase your chances of them answering you as soon as possible, you can use the "reply" button and the player will be notified that you've responded to them. 

But of course this is just a small tip. 🙂 👍

i received the money…everything is ok


Great news and congrats 🎉😊

How long has it been for you to withdraw your money ? Will you stay and play here despite all you had to overcome ? 🙂

Du kan også registrere, indbetale og spille som tysker

Automatisk oversættelse:

Have you actually registered here?

I will pass this information on to our data team so they can check it out. Thank you.👌

Redigeret af forfatter


Ja, jeg registrerede mig, indsatte og spillede. Jeg har også bekræftet min konto. Derfor forstår jeg ikke, hvorfor der står her, at spillere fra Tyskland ikke bliver accepteret

Automatisk oversættelse:

Maybe that was the case the last time the casino was controlled or when it was added. Things like that can change in different ways, so thanks for saying that and noticing it, and our team will change it if that's the case. 

Anyway, have you managed to make a successful withdrawal here yet ? Do you have a rather positive opinion of this casino ? 🙂

Ups, nu er tyske spillere tilladt? Det er godt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Our data team has imported the new information into the database after checking it with the casino representative. So thank you very much for that.👌

Hej, jeg anmodede om en udbetaling fra Sushi Casino for over en uge siden, selvom jeg blev bekræftet. Det blev dog afvist efter 6 dage, selvom der stod 72 timer, og der skulle noget igen til verifikation. Nu venter jeg på min tilbagetrækning igen i 3 dage. Jeg har også skrevet til kundeservice, men de kan ikke give mig nogle fornuftige svar, bare kopierede sætninger og alle fortæller mig noget forskelligt. Det er meningen at jeg skal vente, der er for mange udbetalinger i gang i øjeblikket, at det tager længere tid, men jeg kan desværre ikke se nogen succes i at få min udbetaling... Jeg har taget mere end nok screenshots af chattene. ..

Automatisk oversættelse:


I imagine it must be very frustrating, and from what you described regarding the inconsistency and overall communication level or skills, if you prefer, no wonder you seem troubled.

This is hard for me to say, yet we always give casinos quite some time to resolve their issues without our intervention. In my opinion, we are far too generous; given the circumstances, 14 full days is a long amount of time.

In any case, aside from the regular delay, what other "explanations" have you gotten so far? If you don't mind me asking,.

De sagde, at jeg var fuldt verificeret, og at jeg skulle vente, indtil min tilbagetrækning var behandlet. Samme dag modtog jeg en mail om, at min fortrydelse var blevet afvist, og at jeg skulle kontakte kundeservice. Jeg gjorde dette med det samme, og de sagde, at de havde brug for et billede af mig og mit ID, hvor min albue var synlig uanset årsagen. Jeg uploadede dette med det samme, og så måtte jeg vente igen. Efter at jeg havde lagt lidt pres på, blev det accepteret, og medarbejderen sagde, at jeg nu var fuldt verificeret. Jeg var dog nødt til at foretage tilbagetrækningen igen og venter nu yderligere 3 dage. Der er ikke sket noget endnu, og jeg tror ikke, der sker andet, eller de vil pludselig have mig noget. Jeg har skærmbilleder af chatten, hvor der står at alt er i orden med min konto og den skal bare udbetales men der sker ikke noget. Jeg håber, de kan gøre noget, så dette casino udbetaler mine gevinster. Medarbejderne i chatten siger altid, at de skal være tålmodige, alt er fint, men de kan ikke give mig nogen direkte svar. Det er altid det samme.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg kan desværre ikke finde nogen steder, at udbetalingerne rent faktisk finder sted, og at siden betaler mig mine penge. Så på en eller anden måde føler jeg mig meget rippet

Automatisk oversættelse:

In this case, I would like to remind what Radka said and that is that we give casinos 14 days. If nothing has changed and you have not received the money then you can contact us and we will try to assist you. Anyway, if you have already verified yourself and your ID, then I don't know where the issue might be. I would probably be patient for a while because there is nothing else you can do in this situation. 

I firmly believe that the money will get to you eventually and if anything changes, let me know. 

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