HjemForumCasinoerVelobet Casino – generel debat

Velobet Casino – generel debat (side 14)

 af Landgraf1994
65.992 visninger 392 svar |
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What is the sort code where your money was processed to?

Det eneste sikkerhedsindeks, som velobet.com har, er 0. Alle ved det, og alle vil maskere sig, som de vil, og det er den eneste sandhed.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I got denied verification because i verified with a government issued UK drivers license. This is literally the only form of id i own and this is the only casino to deny me of my winnings because they dont accept a legitimate drivers license with my photo and all my identity details on it, even with a selfie of me holding it, sitting on £1000 and cant get it out, casinos a scam mate

Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.

Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.

Any advice?


Velobet.com sikkerhedsindeks 0 de kender det her og på alle sider allerede.

Automatisk oversættelse:

This needs to be proven first, I'm afraid. Your complaint may play a significant role, but we have to wait for its outcome. Changing any Safety Index to zero based on an open complaint would be irrational.

Don't worry, the players who want to inspect the casino before registering there have a fair chance to do so.

Your complaint and this thread are public. Try to calm down, please, and let the complaint proceed.

Signed up to velobet, was enjoying playing, deposited about £400 and was loving it, managed to hit some big bonuses and ended up with £1000 in my account, tried to withdraw and was hit with a verification before withdrawal. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary i will provide them with a photo ID (drivers license) front and back and a pic of me holding it, address and proof of bank card.

Proof of address and bank card accepted, drivers license denied, i dont own any other form of ID and am now stuck with £1000 in the account for no reason. Never had this problem woth any other site, a UK drivers license is a legit government issued form of identity and am now thinking im being scammed for my winnings.

Any advice?



As can be seen in this thread, you are not the only one having issues with this casino. I would love to provide a concrete answer, but instead, I want to ask you: Has anyone from the casino explained why your ID was denied? I mean, they should be able to explain in full.

We, on the other hand, can barely guess.

Let us know what you've been told.


Jeg er meget rolig, og jeg stoler på Matej, men casino-tinget er altid det samme svar, og de præciserer eller svarer ikke på noget, for efter at have fået at vide, at der er spillere med ludomani, tillader de dem at fortsætte med at indbetale og bette og spille med deres liv derfor skal indekset Sikkerhed reduceres kraftigt, fordi det sker for mange spillere, og det gør ikke noget, at én persons liv er lige så meget værd som manges, casinoet vil også være ansvarlig, siger jeg.

Automatisk oversættelse:

You don't have to worry, but as Radka mentioned, the safety index will change when the case is closed, of course based on how it turns out. 

You have the opportunity to see, as I did, that Matej said that we are on your side in this case and therefore he has to look at what the casino sent him on Skype again.

I hope that this saga will be resolved as soon as possible and, importantly, fairly. 

We will have to wait for further developments, so keep your composure. 

Jeg er ved at indgive en klage!

Jeg kan ikke bekræfte mig selv! De vil have bevis på et kreditkort. Det er helt fint. Men min er en netbank og jeg har ikke et "rigtigt" kort! Et skærmbillede fra min mobiltelefon accepteres ikke!

Jeg har forklaret problemet flere gange i live chatten. Jeg blev bedt om at skrive en e-mail, men ingen svarede!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm sorry when situations like this arise, because I would always be happy if players could find a reasonable way to talk with the casino. So you don't have a physical card, do you? Did you try to ask them if something could serve as an alternative from online banking, where they could verify something like that ? 

Regarding the complaint, I saw that it is in review status, so our team will try to help you. 

If by any chance you manage to verify or find out something new, I'd certainly be glad if you could let me know. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome. 🤞


Jeg tror, at når et kasino påtager sig sin skyld, og sikkerhedsindekset ikke sænkes, uden at selv myndighederne forstår, fordi det ikke er ændret, og ingen svarer på noget, er det svært at bevare roen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Technically, your complaint has not been closed yet, so the outcome still awaits. I think that Matěj took quite an interest in your case, and he has been attending a few quite demanding international events. Let's give it the proper time. Once the complaint is closed, there will be a proper response and closure for you.


(I'm sorry it's in English)

Redigeret af forfatter

Helt uenig i det du har gjort med mig

For det første - klagen er ikke løst baseret på nogen aftale fra mit hovedoffer, derfor er dette ikke slut for mig.

Andet-The velobet casino ligger, jeg har ikke modtaget nogen refusion, det tages for givet.

Tredje-Gennem juridisk og medicinsk rådgivning råder de mig til ikke at gå ind på velobet.com-webstedet igen, hvilket er, hvad kasinoet har til hensigt.

fjerde- efter at have genkendt fejlen kasinoet og seriøse, da de drager fordel af sårbare spillere anerkendte det faktum som meget alvorligt eller det kunne have været en mindre sikkerhedsindekset bevæger sig ikke, om det er 20 eller 100 spillere MEGET ALVORLIG noget meget mærkeligt.

For det femte kan jeg ikke i en anmeldelse udtrykke min sande oplevelse i dette casino, fordi du ikke offentliggør det til mig, sikkerhedsproblemer på kontoen, udbetalinger, indskud, min personlige erfaring, jeg gentager, osv.

Jeg føler, at jeg overser noget.

Vi ses for evigt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, your case has been dragging on for quite a long time and Matej explained everything well. He also said that you can seek legal help, so if you go for it, I guess we'd all be curious to see if you'd succeed. 

As for your user review, I don't think it's of any telling value and it's also important to remember that you can give 1 user review per casino from one account.

I don't know what more to say about all of this, because most of it has already been explained and although I'm sorry about the way it all turned out, there's probably nothing more to be done. 😥


Hello Vicente.

In the complaint, I mentioned that you have the right to claim a €10 refund from your second account. This money, which cannot be used for betting, is available in your account for withdrawal only. The casino has taken the necessary steps to address the issue pointed out in your complaint, prompting a review of their procedures and rectification of the mistake. Consequently, there is no justification for imposing any safety index penalties.

Should you wish to take legal action against the casino, alleging that they are accountable for your issues, you are free to do so. It is important to note, as I have previously stated, that the casino can only reimburse you for your losses during the period in which you informed them of your gambling addiction, in accordance with standard practices in all jurisdictions.

Now, let's consider the issue from a different perspective. If you owned a casino and someone discovered a mistake in your responsible gambling system resulting in them losing €10, would you have to pay them millions in compensation simply because they lost some money? I am sure not. Your liability is purely financial, so you would reimburse the player for their losses and issue an apology. Otherwise, every other player would attempt to find an exploit in casinos and sue them for significant sums.

Jeg henviser og bekræfter min tidligere e-mail punkt for punkt fra det første ord til det sidste

Tak skal du have.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Selvfølgelig, tak Matej for at hjælpe med at afsløre disse skurke, der udnytter sårbare mennesker uden at antage noget, og det hjælper mig meget at sagsøge

men jeg har intet andet valg end at sagsøge alt, da jeg ikke har modtaget nogen refusion, alt er løgn, og jeg kommer selvfølgelig ikke ind på din hjemmeside igen. Hvis du vil have mig til at gøre det, skal du kontakte min advokat og forklare de trin, du skal følge tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Snyd ikke andre, klagen er ikke løst pr. i dag 07-09-2024, ingen har refunderet mig noget, åbenbart gik jeg glip af mange ting.

Meddelelse til sømænd.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. I will inform Matej right away, and he will get in touch with you.

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