HjemForumCasinoerVulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat

Vulkan Vegas Casino – generel debat (side 9)

 af Jonas23111
124.918 visninger 474 svar |
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So, after you had made your first withdrawal you realized that some slots were restricted to you immediately?

Can you name some examples?


I've been trying to make a withdraw for over a week, had KYC problems and all sorts of stuff.

Now i've got a "succesful" mail for my withdraw and i've been waiting for 22 hours (at this time) for the money to arrive, by eth.

They said they can only help me with a recipe or something when 24 hours pass, im going to be back with some news, tbh at this moment, the situation doesen't smell good.

Hope they will solve the problem, the casino looks ok but if they don't pay the withdraws, i won't continue playing on it.



This is the first conversation after 24h. Waiting for the financial department to sort it out, i'll be back in a few hours.

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Vulkan Vegas, forsigtig, hands off, tvivlsom.

Hold dig væk, seriøst...

Fradraget kommer fra Curacao,

Penge vil blive trukket fra spilkontoen efter 2 eller 3 dage, så du kan fortsætte med at spille,

Udbetalinger meget dårlige og uregelmæssige,

Bonus skal implementeres 40X med 1% succes, så godt som aldrig....

Masser af bonusser, meningsløse uden succes,

SMS- og WhatsApp-beskeder med en bonus på op til 170%, naturligvis sjældent vellykket...

Ingen begrænsning på indskud, ingen regler, du kan smadre dig selv uendeligt....

Gratis spins er meget svære at få og vinde meget mindre end de koster, ingen advarsel om tabte penge.

Det bedste er endnu ikke kommet...Hvis du har indgivet en seriøs klage, vil spilkontoen blive blokeret med det samme..

Har hyret min advokat nu til at stoppe dette og tror ikke på, når du får at vide "vi beklager, at du ikke var heldig"

det er ikke op til dig, jeg ønsker dig held og lykke alligevel....

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg havde en meget dårlig oplevelse

Penge vil blive trukket fra spilkontoen efter 2 eller 3 dage, så du kan fortsætte med at spille,

Udbetalinger meget dårlige og uregelmæssige,

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you for the reply, i haven't deposited much money, i was just trying to test the platform because at first sight it seemed pretty decent. My main concern was if withdrawing is working and they kept bringing up lots of reasons, wasting my time but tricking me to insist. Ill maybe wait two more days and im gonna give up.


They deducted the money after about a week and said "withdrawal accepted or something like that, now it's been about 36 hours since that, their "finance department" is theoretically gonna reply soon, but yea... seems like bullshit

Redigeret af forfatter
Masser af bonusser meningsløse uden held
SMS- og WhatsApp-beskeder med en bonus på op til 170% er selvfølgelig sjældent vellykkede...
Ingen grænser for indskud, ingen regler, du kan bryde dig selv på ubestemt tid....
Gratis spins er meget svære at få og vinde meget mindre end de er værd uden advarsel om tabte penge.
Det bedste er endnu ikke kommet... Hvis du indgiver en seriøs klage, bliver spilkontoen øjeblikkeligt blokeret. "Vi er kede af, at du er uheldig." det er ikke op til dig

Jeg støtter dig fuldt ud. Jeg befinder mig ofte i lignende situationer. Blokering af din konto er en favorit måde for kasinoer at beskytte sig mod ethvert ansvar.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I've been trying to make a withdraw for over a week, had KYC problems and all sorts of stuff.

Now i've got a "succesful" mail for my withdraw and i've been waiting for 22 hours (at this time) for the money to arrive, by eth.

They said they can only help me with a recipe or something when 24 hours pass, im going to be back with some news, tbh at this moment, the situation doesen't smell good.

Hope they will solve the problem, the casino looks ok but if they don't pay the withdraws, i won't continue playing on it.



This is the first conversation after 24h. Waiting for the financial department to sort it out, i'll be back in a few hours.


allow me to say that in some cases the KYC and associated withdrawal may take a week or so. When our complaint team deals with players' complaints, they allow casinos 14 full days.

May I know whether your account has been fully verified, please?

Masser af bonusser meningsløse uden held
SMS- og WhatsApp-beskeder med en bonus på op til 170% er selvfølgelig sjældent vellykkede...
Ingen grænser for indskud, ingen regler, du kan bryde dig selv på ubestemt tid....
Gratis spins er meget svære at få og vinde meget mindre end de er værd uden advarsel om tabte penge.
Det bedste er endnu ikke kommet... Hvis du indgiver en seriøs klage, bliver spilkontoen øjeblikkeligt blokeret. "Vi er kede af, at du er uheldig." det er ikke op til dig

Jeg støtter dig fuldt ud. Jeg befinder mig ofte i lignende situationer. Blokering af din konto er en favorit måde for kasinoer at beskytte sig mod ethvert ansvar.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello leksander,

I think that casinos usually block accounts in those situations to ensure that the balance stays the same unless the problem or investigation is solved or closed. I guess it would be far worse if the account stays open and the player could lose the winnings meanwhile.


Hello, on 26th of September my withdrawal was approved and KYC confirmed. They said if the money won't arrive in 24 hours i should write to them. It's been almost 48h . After24 hours they've sent a message to their finnancial department, now im waiting for news. I've asked for a recipe or something since the withdrawal was made on crypto so i could check the wallet. Nothing for now


Well, if your account has been fully verified, we allow casinos 14 full days to proceed with the withdrawal.

I ask you kindly to wait, we would do the same.

If the casino is not able to catch up with the time limit, we will step in and try to help via complaint.


Thank you for the answer, i will wait, i've kinda lost hope regarding this casino. We'll see


Thank you, I hope that the complaint will not be necessary 🤞


Me too, but by the way this looks, i don't think they are capable to solve their problems, i'd like them to proove me wrong though.

I've wageres on over 20 online casinos and never seen something like this.


I understand your point of view, let's give them some time to prove you wrong preferably.

I will check on you on Monday 🤞


Still nothing 😁file


Well, I would say that there is still some chance. 😀

However, If you need help, feel free to submit a complaint through our resolution center.


I will, but i might have to wait a little more. You said something about 14 days or somth?


did anyone ever got a withdrawal from this platform? I saw a lot of bad reviews

I will, but i might have to wait a little more. You said something about 14 days or somth?

Exactly, when somebody submits a complaint, we allow the casino 14 full days to verify the account and proceed with the withdrawal.

Honestly, I'm not pretty sure how long you have been waiting for now.

This casino is a good one and pays out the winnings, feel free to check our complaint section to learn how many complaints have been submitted and resolved. There is not a single unresolved complaint so far. I take it as a very good state of things.

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