HjemForumCasinoerWazamba Casino – generel debat

Wazamba Casino – generel debat (side 7)

 af Matiseli
84.210 visninger 392 svar |
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Tak for din besked...

Din kollega Peter var en stor hjælp for mig dengang; han kiggede på alle dokumenterne og fandt meget tid til at hjælpe mig.

Ifølge den offentlige anklagemyndighed vil jeg nu kun gå videre med en civil retssag, men da Wazamba har base på Curacao, er det ikke så nemt.

Men jeg vil ikke fortsætte siden marts...Hvis mine gevinster ikke var legitime.

Mange tak, alt det bedste

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see now. You are in the middle of a legal affair with the casino. I didn't know. Thank you for helping me understand.

In this case, I hope justice will bring you a fair, preferably quick, resolution. I imagine it is quite a big deal to make it all happen.

I would also like to say that I hope your health state will improve and that one day you'll let all those troubles go away. 🙏


Anjmy1969 i have exactly thé same problem of you, they rob me 50000. Please contact me robben0388@gmail.com.



På den måde leder jeg også efter Wazamba-vindere, som ikke har fået udbetalt deres gevinster.

Rapportér venligst

mange tak


Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg bruger sociale medier til at skabe opmærksomhed om denne virksomhed.

Jeg har brug for støtte.

Jeg skal finde en investor, der vil forskyde mig beløbet til en retssag.

For det ser positivt ud på baggrund af de beviser, jeg har.


Bed om støtte

Mange tak til alle der støttede mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hilsen...mange tak for tippet. Har du allerede selv brugt hans hjælp?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg bruger sociale medier til at skabe opmærksomhed om denne virksomhed.

Jeg har brug for støtte.

Jeg skal finde en investor, der vil forskyde mig beløbet til en retssag.

For det ser positivt ud på baggrund af de beviser, jeg har.


Bed om støtte

Mange tak til alle der støttede mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Are you convinced someone else will provide a sponsorship so you can sue a casino?

I think it works quite differently; there are companies focusing on such cases, taking a portion of the amount won when you are successful.

I suggest you browse this thread:


Might prove useful 😉


Mange tak for tippet.

Jeg er meget taknemmelig for alle rådene.

Hvis der er nyheder, vil jeg give dig besked.

For mig siger det sig selv, at hvis jeg får hjælp og endelig får min retmæssige gevinst, så betaler jeg alt tilbage.

Det var mit inderlige ønske at donere en del af pengene.

Fordi jeg var nødt til at ændre mit liv på grund af en medicinsk fejl, var jeg nødt til at sætte mine mål og ønsker i bero.

Derfor vil jeg gerne støtte foreninger, der støtter folk som mig.

Venlig hilsen Anja

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see!

Wish you a fair journey free from unexpected turnovers. I also hope your health will improve eventually.

It's good to know you're a supportive person; the world needs more caring people, right?

Well, if you need something or just want to pop by, we'll be here. 🙏


Hej Radka,

Mange tak, det kan jeg kun vende tilbage.

De er hjælpsomme, venlige og kompetente.

NÅR JEG HAR NYHEDER, giver jeg dig besked.

Hvis du er interesseret, er dette min livshistorie...

Jeg har altid været nødt til at kæmpe.

Men jeg har altid nået mine mål.

Jeg fik mit handicap af lægen, der fødte mig.

Og lægen fik ikke nogen Steaffe dengang, fordi alle hospitalets filer blev ødelagt.

I alt fødte denne læge 10 børn forkert.

Konsekvenserne var fysiske eller psykiske handicap.


Jeg ønsker dig en varm hilsen og en afslappende weekend.


Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, I'm very sorry, because nobody deserves anything like that. The sad thing is that you cannot do anything about it, because nothing was actually in your hands. I sympathize with you and I hope that you will still have enough strength to help and be the good person you want to be. 

But to come back to the other important thing, as you wrote, if you have any news let us know. I wish you the best of luck and fingers crossed. Take care. ☘️🤞

Jeg har 26075 euro på wazamba-kontoen. De betaler mig ikke, og oven i købet kan jeg nu ikke få adgang til wazamba-siden fra casino guru, hvor jeg kom til ved at klikke på wazambas foto.

Automatisk oversættelse:

De betaler mig ikke 26.500 euro. Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre nu. jeg er desperat

Automatisk oversættelse:

I really don't understand Casino Guru's rating system even though I've read through it.

How can 2 players on Wazamba Casino not be paid their winnings of over €76,000 + MOSTLY bad reviews from over 70 persons and yet, Wazamba still gets a VERY HIGH safety index and high rating of 9.1/10???

To my mind their rating should be much lower overall as they have mostly bad reviews from players.

By relying on this rating system, players can end up making bad decisions to play on Wazamba Casino. I'm part of a group that plays the online casinos and I'll be spreading the word to AVOID Wazamba Casino like a plague, along with several others who're registered in Curacao as that regulatory body is the WEAKEST and most inept in the casino industry.


Godmorgen...tak for din besked.

Jeg har en advokat, der hjælper mig mod Wazamba.

Jeg indgav en rapport direkte, du burde gøre det samme.

Da Wazambas hovedkvarter ligger på Curacao, er det ikke let.

Jeg vandt i marts, men jeg giver ikke op.

På et tidspunkt kommer vores tid, og retfærdigheden vil sejre.

Alle vindere skulle gå sammen og anlægge et civilt søgsmål.

Sammen kan I opnå mere, offentligheden skal vide mere, og hvis I har advokater, der virkelig tager deres arbejde seriøst.

Du er velkommen til at kontakte os, og hvis jeg har noget nyt, så giver jeg dig besked.

Hilsen Anja

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg skrev til ham. Han behøvede ikke engang at svare.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har 26075 euro på wazamba-kontoen. De betaler mig ikke, og oven i købet kan jeg nu ikke få adgang til wazamba-siden fra casino guru, hvor jeg kom til ved at klikke på wazambas foto.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Submitting the complaint was a smart choice, and I'm sure our dedicated team will find a way to help you. Just keep the complaint updated, please. I have no issue accessing the site from our page - even from the Spanish version.

So, I have no clue where this problem comes from. 🤔

Godmorgen...tak for din besked.

Jeg har en advokat, der hjælper mig mod Wazamba.

Jeg indgav en rapport direkte, du burde gøre det samme.

Da Wazambas hovedkvarter ligger på Curacao, er det ikke let.

Jeg vandt i marts, men jeg giver ikke op.

På et tidspunkt kommer vores tid, og retfærdigheden vil sejre.

Alle vindere skulle gå sammen og anlægge et civilt søgsmål.

Sammen kan I opnå mere, offentligheden skal vide mere, og hvis I har advokater, der virkelig tager deres arbejde seriøst.

Du er velkommen til at kontakte os, og hvis jeg har noget nyt, så giver jeg dig besked.

Hilsen Anja

Automatisk oversættelse:

You know, this player is most likely to solve the issue without a lawyer. Could you please give the Casino Guru Resolution Center some time to deal with it? 🙏

If I'm not mistaken, you already know how demanding such a trial of law can be; hence, I ask you to leave that as the last resort option. Not every delayed payment needs a lawyer.✨

Have a peaceful one, dear anjmy1969!

I really don't understand Casino Guru's rating system even though I've read through it.

How can 2 players on Wazamba Casino not be paid their winnings of over €76,000 + MOSTLY bad reviews from over 70 persons and yet, Wazamba still gets a VERY HIGH safety index and high rating of 9.1/10???

To my mind their rating should be much lower overall as they have mostly bad reviews from players.

By relying on this rating system, players can end up making bad decisions to play on Wazamba Casino. I'm part of a group that plays the online casinos and I'll be spreading the word to AVOID Wazamba Casino like a plague, along with several others who're registered in Curacao as that regulatory body is the WEAKEST and most inept in the casino industry.

Hello there.

The safety index is pretty transparent - just use this link to find out more.

It's important to say, that we can't simply change the "rating" each time the player expresses a bad experience on the forum or creates a user review without supportive proof - I hope that makes sense. The user reviews are the proper tool to comment on your experiences. Since we do not know what exactly happened, it's fair to keep the user rating outside the safety index value. Official complaints submitted through the Casino Guru Resolution Center are quite the opposite, though.

Don't worry, every time we prove that the casino acted unfairly towards a player, the casino gets black points:


"Let's start by stating that not all complaints are justified. Therefore, if the circumstances and evidence show that the casino has not done anything that we consider to be unfair, the complaint will be closed and categorized as being 'rejected'. The same happens if you stop communicating with us after submitting your complaint.

If the complaint is justified and the casino has done something unfair, the ideal scenario is that we resolve the complaint to your liking. In this case, the complaint will be closed and categorized as being 'resolved'.

If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."

Thus, if you are convinced something wrong has happened to you, submit the complaint in the first place 🙏


And bring here all the other players; we aim to help anyone.

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