HjemForumCasinoerWinGaga Casino – generel debat

WinGaga Casino – generel debat (side 3)

5 måneder siden af psychedelicteo
5.162 visninger 49 svar |
12 3
1 måned siden

Did you already pass the verification at this casino, or it is not needed?🤔

I hope that you will receive the money soon, so you're able to request another withdrawal then.

Please keep us informed how it goes, and we'll be ready to help if needed.

1 måned siden

Indtil videre er ingen verifikation nødvendig, ingen penge er kommet til dato, endsige den godkendte udbetaling. Der er gået 7 dage nu.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I see. Our complaint team is only able to intervene after the 14-day period, so hopefully until then you will receive the money.

Please keep us informed.

1 uge siden

Er der nogen, der har oplysninger om tilbagetrækningen? i morgen er den 3. dag for den første udbetaling, men min konto er ikke blevet bekræftet endnu

og indtil videre har chat fortalt mig, at jeg ikke har brug for det?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 uge siden

Har du allerede noget?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 uge siden

Er der nogen, der har oplysninger om tilbagetrækningen? i morgen er den 3. dag for den første udbetaling, men min konto er ikke blevet bekræftet endnu

og indtil videre har chat fortalt mig, at jeg ikke har brug for det?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 uge siden

They told you that verification is not neccessary, right?

Have you ever withdrawn from this casino before? Which payment method did you use?

5 dage siden

Jeg indsatte 250 euro med EPS i går, min bank hævede beløbet og jeg fik det ikke på min casinokonto... Supporten ved ikke hvor pengene er, trist at man ikke bare kan indbetale dem i 2025. ..


Automatisk oversættelse:
4 dage siden

And did you contact the payment provider to see if everything really went well? I also read what you wrote the first time and there you had a problem with the withdrawal and here you describe the deposit, so are both situations valid or is it just that you didn't get the money to your player account?

4 dage siden

I paid with my card and won, but after 3 days nothing happened, no check, no withdrawal, so I gambled the prize, a few days later I wanted to pay again but this time with EPS and the money has not arrived in the account ..so the current problem is that the money is gone

15 timer siden

I see, so do you know if the casino has a third party provider that it uses to process financial transactions? Maybe they could start an investigation on that money. It's tricky if your bank tells you that everything went fine and the casino doesn't get the money or it doesn't get credited to your account. Therefore, I would start as I have described.

12 3

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