HjemForumCasinoerWonaco Casino – generel debat

Wonaco Casino – generel debat

 af Hannahskeen578
2.686 visninger 45 svar |
1 23
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Wonaco Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

has anyone actually passed the verification? I’ve been trying 7 days now and they ask for same things multiple times like they just trying find some way to keep my winnings 😂


Hi, are your documents also rejected or approved or is there nothing wrong with them but the casino asks for them from you several times ? I would find it quite illogical if you have already sent them what they needed and if there is a problem with them they have not explained it to you. 

I also noticed that you have already lodged a complaint and we are waiting for the casino's response, so I wonder what we will get and if they will tell us what is going on, since you have not gone through verification yet. 

If you have an update please let me know.

Good morning I come to share my experience with you about this casino! it's a great casino there are a lot of games we often win, the same goes for sports betting there's a wide choice. withdrawals are fast, there are lots of bonuses and the chat service is great I recommend this casino!

Dette casino er top flere spil flere maskiner! Chat er hurtigt tilgængelig. Udbetalinger behandles hurtigt. Og bonusserne er fantastiske!

Jeg anbefaler dette casino!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello everyone I come to share my experience with you regarding the wonaco casino. it's a great casino with a lot of games also great for sports betting. In case of problems there is always someone to help you. it doesn't give incredible bonuses. I recommend this casino, go there without problems!

Good morning I come to share my experience with you about this casino! it's a great casino there are a lot of games we often win, the same goes for sports betting there's a wide choice. withdrawals are fast, there are lots of bonuses and the chat service is great I recommend this casino!

Hi, interesting that three players from the same country are writing praise for this casino. How fast did you get the money if the withdrawals were fast ?

Maybe it would be a good idea not to create fake communication about the casino on the forum, because it is not very credible. 

And therefore I warn you to stop because if you continue, our account will be restricted.


Dette casino er top flere spil flere maskiner! Chat er hurtigt tilgængelig. Udbetalinger behandles hurtigt. Og bonusserne er fantastiske!

Jeg anbefaler dette casino!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, what are your favourite games to play ? Was there something you had to solve with chat when you say they are fast ? 

Godmorgen på wonaco Jeg har en afventende tilbagetrækning fra den 30. januar!!!!

I dag den 7. februar stadig intet, det afventer stadig på trods af at de berømte 5 arbejdsdage for behandling er gået. Kontaktet flere gange via chat og via e-mail begrænser de sig til det sædvanlige automatiske svar, vi opfordrede den kompetente afdeling, tilbagetrækningen vil blive behandlet inden længe.

Skam, jeg håber, at ingen andre begår min fejl ved at spille på sider som denne.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I would start to get a bit nervous with a week, but I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to send money to the player. 

Anyway, did you play with any bonus here? Was it necessary for you to verify or not? 

If not I would wait a while and if nothing happens then we will try to help you. 

What do you say? 


Nej, jeg brugte ingen bonus, jeg spillede med de indbetalte penge.

Helt ærligt er jeg allerede ret nervøs over denne forsinkelse, men jeg venter et par dage mere

Automatisk oversættelse:

Godmorgen, jeg vil gerne spørge om pengene er udbetalt til dig. Jeg har samme problem. Den 28. januar anmodede jeg om en tilbagetrækning, og fra i dag, den 8. februar, er betalingen ikke blevet behandlet.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg kan desværre ikke anbefale casinoet, det udbetaler ikke gevinster, jeg har ventet i flere uger, og jeg har stadig ikke pengene på min konto.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ingen nyheder i dag, de fortsætter med at sige, at de har haft problemer og vil fortsætte med betalingen snart!

Helt ærligt er situationen meget frustrerende, jeg vil tale dårligt om wonaco på hvert websted, og jeg håber, at ingen andre indbetaler en eneste euro fra dem.

De er patetiske

Automatisk oversættelse:

Gutter, jeg opdaterer jer om tilbagetrækningen!

Lige lavet, på en lørdag endda!!!!

De sendte mig pengene via bankoverførsel!

Automatisk oversættelse:
hanzlaus har slettet indlægget
hanzlaus har slettet indlægget

Gutter, jeg opdaterer jer om tilbagetrækningen!

Lige lavet, på en lørdag endda!!!!

De sendte mig pengene via bankoverførsel!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nå, det er gode nyheder. Jeg har stadig ikke pengene.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nej, jeg brugte ingen bonus, jeg spillede med de indbetalte penge.

Helt ærligt er jeg allerede ret nervøs over denne forsinkelse, men jeg venter et par dage mere

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sure that's probably the best you can do and we'll see if anything changes or not. 

I would be very happy if you manage to get the money and if not we will try to assist you.

Gutter, jeg opdaterer jer om tilbagetrækningen!

Lige lavet, på en lørdag endda!!!!

De sendte mig pengene via bankoverførsel!

Automatisk oversættelse:

So I didn't notice this message but congratulations. I'm glad the money got to you. 

Sometimes players have to wait for a while even though I know it's not pleasant but in the end the most important thing is always that the player gets the money in the end.

Do you think that if you already know how "fast" the casino pays the players, you will still play here?🙂

1 23

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