HjemForumCasinoerBankonbet Casino – generel debat

Bankonbet Casino – generel debat (side 2)

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Do not worry about it at all. Have you got any update regarding this, by any chance?

Every day they are saying it is going to be in your account ...

Lately they said it should happen friday 05 April 24.


Ok, keep us updated, please.


The credit it back again today . Same reason .


So I'm sorry if the same thing happened again and you didn't get the money. But didn't you try to ask if there would be an alternative payment method and try some other one ? Or have you contacted the bank to see if they have any problems ? 

Anyway, since you have an open complaint, our team will try to help you in your situation and I firmly believe that you will get the money as soon as possible. If anything changes, let us know.

Hello team.

Well I contacted them, unfortunally there is no alternative way as they clearly advise in their reply to keep the say payment method of the deposit also besides bank transfert there a lot of crypto currency methods that I don't use and withdrawal to your credit card which obviously not my case. I paid with debit card from my bank account and their payment provider accepted it immediately 4 times. This what also frustrated me and I really don't know what's happening with them if they are bluffing or what as I read a lot reviews in the internet and seems to be their method of getting money from players iam really confused.

By the way today I did again the same withdrawal request and I will keep you all updated and let's see .

Thx again for your support ❤❤


Hello and thank you for the update. I reckon that if you used the bank transfer for the deposit, you should be able to use it to withdraw the money as well, or the casino should give you some other option, which is available to you, actually.🤷‍♀️

Please do not get into any conclusions, and try to be patient, so our team can work on your case and find a solution to this issue. Have you sent the information Veronika asked for in your complaint yet? Please do so, and hopefully she will be able to help you out. Keep us updated here, for sure.

Bankonbet annullerer mine udbetalinger og har annulleret dem i 5 dage nu. Og de giver mig ikke en løsning. Jeg vil hæve mine 2600 euro pga. Da jeg indsatte pengene, gav det mig aldrig et problem, og for at få dem ud giver det mig et problem, og jeg vil have mine penge og en løsning. Tak for hjælpen

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, and the reason why you can't withdraw money, did the casino tell you or not? Are there any delays or problems with the payment provider?

I see that you have already managed to file a complaint, so if the problems persist, the team will try to help you.

However, it should be added that we give the casinos 14 days to resolve everything relevant to this process, and if they fail to do so, then our team will come in and investigate and contact the casino.

For now, however, we will have to be patient and I would certainly try to keep myself informed.

If you have something new, be sure to let me know.

Hej 🙋‍♀️ Jeg har også ventet på min udbetaling via bitcoin i 5 dage... Support er sød og venlig, men ikke tilgængelig 24/7 (FEJL! Zendesk er ikke tilgængelig). Jeg tror heller ikke, jeg får min udbetaling 🙁. Jeg har taget endeløse skærmbilleder og forstår ikke den gode vurdering af Casino Guru... Jeg spillede kun der, fordi du gav dette casino så mange point, fordi jeg virkelig har stor tillid til Casino Guru. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, the good news is that the casino handles their complaints and addresses their problems. 

However, when it comes to your withdrawal, did the casino tell you why it has a delay? Is this your first withdrawal? 

I would have thought that if it was bitcoin, it might be faster, but there might be something in the way that you don't have the money for yet. On the other hand, I wouldn't be skeptical as long as the casino also writes you off and lets you know. If nothing happens and nothing happens in 14 days and you don't have your money, then let us know and we will certainly try to help you as well. 🙂

Hej, ja, det er min første udbetaling... grunden til mig var, at økonomiafdelingen havde meget travlt, og jeg var på venteliste. Jeg vender gerne tilbage til dig om 12 dage og giver feedback, hvis noget ændrer sig... Tak for hjælpen, jeg kan virkelig ikke komme længere her... PS: i dag blev jeg tilbudt gratis spins igen, hvilket Jeg accepterede åbenbart ikke, ellers ville min udbetaling være blevet annulleret (alt sammen meget vildledende) filefilefile

Automatisk oversættelse:

You were right not to take the bonus. Eventually, I wouldn't have gambled with the money and waited for the situation to be resolved. I would also try to check in once in a while to see what's going on with my withdrawal, and if nothing relevant happens, then I would file a complaint.

The casino also has a pretty high safety index, so I would expect it to be resolved soon and you will get your money.

I'll be waiting for news.


Hej 🙋‍♀️ jarooo at skrive til dig bringer held 🍀 nu er pengene her endelig... tak for samtalerne! Sagen løst.

Automatisk oversættelse:

You couldn't have brought anything better news. I'm glad you got your money and that it didn't take any longer. Sometimes you just have to be a little more patient and everything will work out.

Anyway, do you think you'll still be playing here? 🙂☘️😊


😃Jeg vil under ingen omstændigheder spille i dette casino igen... ventetiden og tvivlen stressede mig for meget. Jeg holder en pause fra kasinoet for nu. PS: tak igen, jeg tror virkelig, du har bragt mig held og lykke 🙋‍♀️🌻✌🏻 og jeg er glad for, at Casino Guru findes!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you for your reply. 

If you ever need luck again and have a problem in the casino, feel free to share it and write. Maybe I'll bring it to you again. ☘️😊

Have a nice weekend.😁


Det vil jeg gøre 😃 hav også en dejlig weekend 🌻✌🏻

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har haft en udbetalingsanmodning på dette casino siden 20.10, den er simpelthen afventende. Online chatten informerer mig om, at der er en forsinkelse i betalingerne, undskylder og er tålmodig med kunderne og det er alt!

Mine penge er i deres pengeskab, det er alt!

Det, der får mig, er, at dette casino forsinker betalingerne for at se, om kunden annullerer og mister alt!

Jeg kan ikke forstå det! De beder mig ikke engang om dokumenter, jeg tog mig selv den frihed at sende dem via e-mail, og alt er det samme i dag! Beklagelig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, when I looked at the case of the player who wrote before you, he also had a rather long delay. I would say it could be a tactic but it doesn't have to be, obviously only the casino knows. 

Anyway, I would recommend not to do anything with the money, don't cancel the withdrawal or gamble with it if there is a chance of getting it.

I would also add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out what is needed and if they don't send you the money, then by all means get in touch and we will try to help. 

So could we make a deal like that? 

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