HjemForumCasinoerBetPlays Casino – generel debat

BetPlays Casino – generel debat (side 9)

1 år siden af Darian
22.950 visninger 232 svar |
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3 uger siden

Exactly, and I asked myself at casino guru how it is that this site has a very high trust rating, because I based myself on the rating of casinoguru to make a deposit of 400 eur and play on the site betplays.com, I felt a little betrayed anyway.

Indlæg af Biff Skjult af Radka
Årsag: Stødende indhold
3 uger siden


CasinoGurus sikkerhedsindeks er ikke for brugere.

BetPlays ændrede også mine personlige oplysninger uden tilladelse, og alligevel støtter CasinoGuru konfiskation af mine gevinster.

De ignorerer alle diskussioner og brugeranmeldelser.

Deres adfærdskodeks indeholder ikke nogen vægt på reelle kundeoplevelser.

Hvad angår krav, er 34 på hinanden følgende krav blevet afvist siden 5. december 2023.

Måske forestiller casinoeksperter sig, at der ikke er nogen bias over for noget bestemt land, og at grupperne bag svindelen er internationalt forbundet.

34 på hinanden følgende numre, hvilket er bevis på, at BetPlays snyder på en eller anden måde

Den første ekspert fastholder, at der ikke er noget problem, fordi alle klager er blevet behandlet individuelt.

Mit gæt er, at problemet ligger i det IP-detektionssystem, som BetPlays har implementeret.

Den ekstremt omfattende IP-detektionsfunktion fungerer sandsynligvis i BetPlays' favør.

Tilbuddet, de gav mig, omfattede konfiskation af mine gevinster og rapportering til myndighederne.

Det er dem, der skal rapporteres til tilsynsmyndighederne. Jeg er en privatperson og BetPlays er et udenlandsk selskab.

Jeg ved ikke, om den regulerende myndighed er politiet eller domstolene, men jeg har ikke tid eller energi til at anmelde det.

Men de har midlerne til at gøre det, og alligevel har jeg endnu ikke modtaget et brev fra tilsynsmyndigheden.

De vil fortsætte med at tjene penge på denne måde.

CasinoGurus sikkerhedsindeks er en meget sød vurdering for operatører, men en gateway til helvede for os brugere.

Selvom det ville være muligt for nogle af de førende eksperter at gå undercover for at bekræfte, at BetPlays snyder, kan der være grunde til, at det ville være praktisk for dem ikke at gøre det.

Og det kan være svært at indberette dette problem til licensbureauet.

Hvis der er folk i dit område, som faktisk har spillet på denne side før, kan det tjene som en undskyldning for en falsk positiv.

Jeg tvivler dog stærkt på, at nogen i mit område har spillet på denne casinoside.

Jeg er registreret hos en del casinosider, inklusive de fleste af de berømte casinosider i Japan.

Der vil dog ikke være advarsler eller konfiskation af præmiepenge på grund af IP-overlapning mv.

Jeg tror, ​​det ville være klogt at holde sig væk fra denne casinoside.

Jeg overvejede at bede en ven, der bor langt væk, om faktisk at spille spillet, men

De giver bevis for, at der ikke findes IP-overlapninger og spilmetoder til casinoguruer og licenstagere.

Jeg kom til den konklusion, at jeg kun ville blive et offer igen.

Automatisk oversættelse:
Indlæg af Biff Skjult af Radka
Årsag: Stødende indhold
3 uger siden

Udover Casino Guru er Ask Gambles og Trustpilot også fyldt med klager.

Indbetalingsvinduet er stort, og udbetalingsvinduet er meget lille.

Igen anser jeg taberne for at være meget heldige, da de ikke behøver at udlevere nogen personlige oplysninger til dem.

De vindende brugere blev anklaget for snyd og gav deres personlige oplysninger til svindlere.

Når vi beder om hjælp fra ethvert fællesskab, er svaret simpelthen at støtte BetPlays.

Da ledelsesteamet gør sådanne ondsindede ting, kan de også sælge de personlige oplysninger, de har fået.

BetPlays Indskuds- og udbetalingspunge med kryptovaluta

Hvis vi ser på strømmen af ​​disse midler, kan vi muligvis objektivt bevise, at de betaler for bedrageri.

Dette skyldes, at for hver 1 indskudt, vil en anstændig casinosides udbetalingspung returnere alt fra 0,1 til 0,9 til brugeren.

Mit gæt er, at BetPlays' udbetalingspung vil trække omkring 0-0,2 til brugerne.

Fordelen ved cryptocurrency er, at hvis casinoet fortsætter med at nægte hævninger ulovligt, bør du være i stand til at observere tendenserne i udbetalingsvinduet. Det har jeg ikke energien til, men det er måske muligt objektivt at vise, at BetPlays fortsat afviser udbetalinger.

Det ser ud til, at de fokuserer på eurozonen, så forhåbentlig vil de europæiske professionelle lukke denne casinoside ned en dag.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

Askgamblers has helped me in a few cases before. They wouldn't even touch this one lol. They said go to the licensee. But hey.. The license doesn't mean anything.

But everything you are saying is correct and the truth. The ones who didn't win are the lucky ones.

Unfortunately they now have my all my id information on top of the thousands I deposited.

8.0. Safe. Mindblowing.

3 uger siden

They closed my account. Told me I'm breaching terms and conditions. Citing rules 3 and 9 in particular. Which are, multi accounting, and cheating. Dozens of other people have had the same thing happen to them. Real gamblers. People with money. Always the same reason.

-So if everyone's cheating and multi accounting maybe the site isn't safe?

Had a withdrawal of 2193 euro pending. Over 4000 euro in my account. Just suddenly closed.

In emails they will not provide what multi accounting nor what cheating. They just repeat same answers.

There's NOTHING a complaint on casinogurufi will do. Their license isn't legitimate. But a clear WARNING to other people should be placed. The person above me seems to have been blamed on the same reason.

The problem with is none of the moderators on this site have placed real money in this site or some others that are deemed safe. They don't know what people have gone through.

https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.betplays.com?stars=1 these are the real reviews and they are scary.

" Dear Customer,

Following a thorough review of your betting activity, we have identified violation of our General Terms and Conditions. As a result, your account has been suspended, and any winnings associated with these breaches will not be paid.

We encourage you to review our rules, specifically Betting Rule 3 and Rule 9, which are detailed in our General Terms and Conditions. You can access them using the link below:


If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Best Regards,

BetPlays Team "

" Dear Customer,

We regret to inform you that after conducting a thorough review of your recent betting activity, we have identified certain actions that are in violation of our General Terms and Conditions. As a result, your account has been suspended, and any winnings associated with this activity will not be paid out.

We take these matters very seriously in order to maintain the fairness and integrity of our platform for all users. We encourage you to review Betting Rule 3, Rule 9 for more details on the specific regulations that apply to your case. You can access the relevant section of our terms and conditions using the following link:


If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this decision, please feel free to contact us. However, please note that this suspension is final unless new, relevant information is presented.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

BetPlays Team "

Wont respond to providing specific details.

Tested over 200 casinos. This is top 10 scam casinos.

The fact whoever upholds Betplays rating hasn't even tested it, and you consider yourself a casino evaluator is mindblowing.

Go test real money on it. Hire a real person to do tests with real money. Maybe trust the people on this casino who have had negative experiences. There are dozens to read from. Pages. Of robberies.

Yet safe. And a link to it. Pretty disgusting.

3 uger siden

Hi, there

We value your diligence in alerting others. On the other hand, Casino Guru solely investigates casino-related issues. Could this be the reason why your complaint didn't make it to be published? I spotted something about betting exclusively on martial arts.

Your complaint will undoubtedly be accepted if you have encountered any unfair circumstances pertaining solely to casino-related matters.

In this instance, we have limited authority to address your issue, so despite your best efforts, the Safety Index will not change, I'm afraid. We have already attempted to explain to your new friend that if there are no proofs, the Safety Index will remain unchanged. It is really that easy.

Has the casino deprived you of your casino-related winnings in an unfair manner? The effect will occur if you can demonstrate that through the complaint.

3 uger siden

Dear kassan7,

I have now gathered information and evidence from the casino team to understand the situation. The initial concern regarding the address change appears to have been resolved by the casino team, so there are no issues with your address. However, the investigation has uncovered additional factors.

We have received evidence of multiple accounts being created by you in quite close succession from the same or very similar IP addresses, using the same device (with the same device ID), and engaging in similar gameplay while claiming the same bonuses. This cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence, especially considering this previous response from you: "As the head of the household, I live alone and no one else can operate my device except for me, right?"

The casino adheres to a strict policy in these matters, and its actions align with the terms and conditions outlined in the rules, as previously communicated by the casino team. Given the evidence, we have to agree with the casino's decision and must close your complaint as rejected.

I regret that we could not provide more assistance in this instance. Should you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to us, and we will try our best to assist you.

I'm sorry to remind you that this is how your complaints against Betplays ended. Well, it would not be fair to punish the casino for these findings.

It appears you disagree with what the casino demonstrated, but that does not mean the casino did actualy some fraud. Again, Safety Index can't be changed every time we players are certain something wrong has happened. First, it must be proved. Especially when it comes to breaking the rules.

I would expect someone with your moral qualities to understand the principles of evidence.

In any event, we will not reply to the issue that we have already addressed with you, and all of your posts that contain explicit accusations or turnouts will be removed. We will not waste our time correcting your "opinions" on Casino Guru based on assumptions and rejected complaints, but you are free to leave if you do not like what and how we do.

Last warning.

3 uger siden

Jeg har ikke fået noget bevis på det.

Hvis jeg tilmeldte mig og spillede med en anden e-mail eller enhed, så giv mig venligst din e-mailadresse.

Til at begynde med har jeg kun én mobil enhed, og jeg bruger normalt kun den bærbare computer, der følger med spillet.

Hvis oplysningerne, som dit krav er baseret på, ikke er blevet offentliggjort, og det kan være problematisk at videregive dem til offentligheden, bedes du sende mig beviserne.

Undersøgelsen afslørede yderligere faktorer

BetPlays anerkender det ubestridelige faktum, at personlige oplysninger er blevet ændret, og anser dette for at være grundlag for konfiskation som en overtrædelse af deres vilkår for brug.

Selvom det er løst, vil der så ikke være nogen straf for den anden part?

De siger, det er IP eller lignende, men se på fællesskabets appel.

Mange brugere er berørt af samme årsag.

Betyder den yderligere faktor ikke , at den anden adresse var inkluderet i den oprindelige årsag til konfiskation?

Så min pointe er, at de leverer opdigtede beviser.

Selvom jeg indrømmer at have ændret personlige oplysninger, når jeg viser dig de opdigtede beviser som dette, vil du tro på det, og det vil være enden på det.

Med andre ord vil de ærligt indrømme, at deres personlige oplysninger blev ændret og insistere på, at problemet er blevet løst.

Hvis jeg havde fremlagt beviser på sædvanlig måde i andre sager, ville voldgiftsdommeren uden tvivl have håndteret det.

Lad mig forklare mit problem endnu en gang.

Mine personoplysninger blev i første omgang ændret, hvilket er grundlaget for konfiskationen.

Jeg forklarede også, at jeg ikke havde ændret nogen personlige oplysninger, og at jeg havde afsløret problemet med et system i kasinoet, der automatisk læser oplysningerne, og givet dig vidnesbyrd om det.

Har jeg ikke lige bevist, at en af ​​årsagerne til konfiskationen skyldtes svigagtig aktivitet fra kasinoets side?

I betragtning af det forstår jeg ikke, hvorfor folk bare skal acceptere deres påstande.

Først og fremmest skulle jeg have været mistænksom, og jeg afslørede deres svindel, herunder forfalskning af personlige oplysninger.

Så skulle du vise mig en anden grund.

BetPlays lavede en fejl.

Derudover kan jeg ikke forstå dit svar med at stole fuldt ud på beviserne fra BetPlays.

(Fra begyndelsen har jeg nævnt muligheden for at fremlægge opdigtede beviser)

Hvis du er villig til at være retfærdig, bedes du give mig en liste over e-mailadresser, som jeg har tilmeldt mig flere gange, og cryptocurrency wallet-adresserne, som jeg har foretaget indbetalinger til via disse konti.

Hvis min påstand om, at den er udarbejdet af mig, er korrekt, så er jeg skaberen, og der er ingen problemer med, at jeg deler mine oplysninger.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 uger siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

It is clear from your responses that you merely believe what you are saying, and nothing we say will alter that.

Nothing I say will change your mind if you would rather continue to believe that the casino provided false evidence, which we were more than willing to use against you.

You would say these are untrue even if I presented the proof. So, I think the only way this could end is:

Do not bring up this subject again; maybe this will be sufficient to keep you around. Do not ever accuse us of any other presumptions you may have.

However, if you insist that you no longer trust us and, as a result, you likely do not even want to use any other free services, we can immediately close your account and put an end to another ongoing complaint.

The choice is yours.

3 uger siden

Radka :

Svar venligst på, om falske personlige oplysninger var et af spørgsmålene ved konfiskationen.

Hvis falske personlige oplysninger ikke er det oprindelige problem, vil jeg gå tilbage.

Årsagen er den samme som for enhver anden bruger, og casinoet vil gøre det samme for alle.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

Happy Saturday to you!

Forum administrators are seen as enthusiastic Casino Guru members who are fully engaged in all that this site has to offer. But, as I have already stated, I will say it again: we take over the forum and, when necessary, we attempt to enlist the help of our committed colleagues. I genuinely get that you think I am a person who can look into anything you have found suspicious or that you came to a conclusion about. In actuality, I am not obligated to serve as your personal clerk. It would really be best to email your mediator if you have any disagreements about anything related to your complaint. If the complaint has already been closed, you can also gather new information and request that it be reopened.

Naturally, you have been using the forum to ask Caisno Guru questions for the past few days, looking for every detail to answer your thoughts. However, I will not do my best to respond to such posts every day. As you can see, there are still a lot of people in the area looking for assistance with the current problems at the casino; they are the ones who most need our focus. Even so, I continue to think that an open discussion is far preferable to ignorance.

I know you will be disappointed, but no one will post complaint proofs on the forum for a very good reason. For this reason, complaints are handled outside of the public forum. By displaying the internal documents the mediators received from the casinos. It would quickly close all the gaps and very likely prevent the Casino Resolution Center from handling additional complaints. Please try to respect us; we can't allow that to happen.

However, the casino proved that multiple active accounts were created from the single device you claimed to have, according to the complaint closure. When combined with the rest of the internal files, the result was:

The initial concern regarding the address change appears to have been resolved by the casino team,

We have received evidence of multiple accounts being created by you in quite close succession from the same or very similar IP addresses, using the same device (with the same device ID), and engaging in similar gameplay while claiming the same bonuses. This cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence, especially considering this previous response from you: "As the head of the household, I live alone and no one else can operate my device except for me, right?"

For instance, all of these details are typical indicators of bonus hunting.

Since you always have access to this resume, I am not sure if it helps.

I am unable to guarantee that I will reply to other responses on Monday.

3 uger siden

Men venligst, administratorer holder op med at retfærdiggøre væddemål, dette casino har snydt mange spillere, inklusive mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

Når jeg organiserer rækkefølgen af ​​historierne, kan jeg ikke lade være med at stille spørgsmål.

Det blev endnu en gang opdaget, at den oprindelige årsag til konfiskationen skyldtes en tvist om indtastningen af ​​adressen.

Som følge heraf blev gevinsten konfiskeret, og kontoen blev frosset.

Jeg modtog forsikring fra en af ​​supportmedarbejderne om, at jeg ikke med vilje havde ændret nogen af ​​mine personlige oplysninger, og at det var BetPlays, der havde gjort det.

På nuværende tidspunkt kvalificeres dette ikke som en grund til at fryse min konto.

Jeg havde håbet, at jeg grundigt kunne afsløre den anden parts fejl i adressespørgsmålet og sende nogle gode nyheder til samfundet, men det var jeg ikke i stand til.

Igen har jeg kun én enhed: en mobil enhed og en bærbar computer.

Jeg har kun én e-mailadresse til at registrere hos casinoet.

Der er ingen måde at bevise et individs miljø på, og det ville være nemt at fremstille adgangshistorik osv.

De vil fremstille handlinger, som de aldrig har begået, hvilket gør det umuligt for brugere at bevise deres uskyld med hensyn til de brugsbetingelser, som de hævder at følge.

Jeg forstår, at voldgiftsdommeren er i min favør, og at det ikke nytter noget at kæmpe videre under de nuværende omstændigheder.

Jeg er slet ikke tilfreds med det, men det var en værdifuld oplevelse for mig at erfare, at der er sider, der opfører sig så ondsindet.

Vi håber, at denne casinosides ondsindede adfærd vil blive afsløret, og at andre brugere vil være i stand til at få deres penge tilbage.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

casino.guru's review of betplays is most definitely wrong, Betplays is a known scam in the gambling industry.

hundreds of closed accounts for the same reason, I also do not understand what evidence the casino presents but it seems that it may be prefabricated, most of the 90% positive reviews on trustpilot are made by the casino itself from fictitious accounts with one review, it is clearly visible, in reality betplayś would have 99% negative reviews in which each of them concerns an accusation of breaking point 3 and 9 of the regulations, which seems unlikely that such a large number of players could be accused of the same.

3 uger siden

CASINO.GURU you can be sure that if you open an account at this casino and win a larger amount you will be accused of breaking point 3 and 9, no matter what you do.

3 uger siden

Men venligst, administratorer holder op med at retfærdiggøre væddemål, dette casino har snydt mange spillere, inklusive mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 uger siden

Hi there.

Frankly, in your precise situation, we could not even prove whether you have been scammed or not because our whole website is solely dedicated to casinos, not sportsbooks. We have explained everything to you.

Therefore, relating your situation to the context of this ongoing communication is, at best, misleading.

I understand it is very convenient to agree without a deeper thought, but please try to think about the context.

I understand you feel somehow betrayed, but we can't help you unless your matter is associated purely with a casino-related situation.

I hope you at least tried to resolve the matter through the list of sports betting sites that Tomas provided you with.

Did you?

3 uger siden

casino.guru's review of betplays is most definitely wrong, Betplays is a known scam in the gambling industry.

hundreds of closed accounts for the same reason, I also do not understand what evidence the casino presents but it seems that it may be prefabricated, most of the 90% positive reviews on trustpilot are made by the casino itself from fictitious accounts with one review, it is clearly visible, in reality betplayś would have 99% negative reviews in which each of them concerns an accusation of breaking point 3 and 9 of the regulations, which seems unlikely that such a large number of players could be accused of the same.

3 uger siden

I understand what you're saying, and I recall having one of your cases discussed because of failing the verification through the Sumsub.

So, submit the complaint. The main issue is that no one has proven those claims. Will you be the first? The only action required was to submit a complaint and prove the casios techniques wrong. This is something we can't do without you casino players.

In the very few cases where the players were able to even explait the merit, the casino's choice was found reasonable, thus right.

If you are aware of any other players who have had their accounts unfairly closed without any involvement from Sportsbok, please forward them to us. For now, it seems they prefer to complain around forums or on TP, which provides us little chance of confronting the casino's methods. 🙁

3 uger siden

Perhaps, but first someone needs to back up this story. The size of this forum has grown to such an extent that we are unable to dispatch someone to visit every casino where players are likely to be treated unfairly, based on forum posts. No one actually does that.

Rather, we rely on your authentic experiences supported by evidence.

3 uger siden

I've been thinking about that, and I can't find anything in your favor.

"We have received evidence of multiple accounts being created by you in quite close succession from the same or very similar IP addresses, using the same device (with the same device ID), and engaging in similar gameplay while claiming the same bonuses."

Even if you had stated that someone could use your phone or laptop to create a new account and receive the same bonuses, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. This is because, according to the complaint and my understanding of the circumstances, you repeatedly stated that you don't live alone, yet no one else had access to your device. Well, we saw the account details - the same device was used. If my memory serves me correctly, you also struggled to recall which games you've played with your single account.

I mean, imagine how this all comes together. I do not mean to offend, but we have not discovered anything that would help us defend you.

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