HjemForumCasinoerFavoritoBet Casino – generel debat

FavoritoBet Casino – generel debat (side 6)

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Så du har nu officielt indrømmet i diskussionen, at du giver spillerdata til andre casinoer. Hvis du vil prøve at lyve, så prøv hårdere. Det du gør for at få et par euro er latterligt. Jeg fornærmer heller ikke nogen på nationalt plan, der er mange søde og ordentlige mennesker fra Balkan, hvoraf nogle er venner af mig, men det er de ikke. De er fra Kroatien/Serbien og er delvist repræsenteret af individuelle personer fra Tyskland. Jeg vil bare fortælle spillerne, hvor de udfører deres lyssky træning fra.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Så du har nu officielt indrømmet i diskussionen, at du giver spillerdata til andre casinoer. Hvis du vil prøve at lyve, så prøv hårdere. Det du gør for at få et par euro er latterligt. Jeg fornærmer heller ikke nogen på nationalt plan, der er mange søde og ordentlige mennesker fra Balkan, hvoraf nogle er venner af mig, men det er de ikke. De er fra Kroatien/Serbien og er delvist repræsenteret af individuelle personer fra Tyskland. Jeg vil bare fortælle spillerne, hvor de udfører deres lyssky træning fra.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear yasin61,

We have clear evidence of who is spreading false information, and we stand behind our statements. Of course, we will not engage in discussions about who is who based on ethnic background or origin. Such discussions are beneath our level and we do not participate in them.

Additionally, we are concerned about your mental well-being and would encourage you to seek help if you are feeling stressed or facing any issues. Our goal has always been to manage the platform professionally and provide a safe environment for our users.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


FavoritoBet Team

I have been following this discussion since the start, and with all due respect, I believe it is time to end it.

I advise both parties to cool off and concentrate on the complaint rather than this post-exchange.

Details will not be shared on the forum by the casino representative for a very good reason. This is solely the purpose of the complaint thread. https://casino.guru/favoritobet-casino-player-s-withdrawal-process-is 👈👈I want to be fairly clear about that.

However, since the complaint has not progressed to the point where we are asking the casino to provide an explanation, I do not think it is very vise to confront the player about something so significant at such an inappropriate time and place.

The complaint began with the following, as the casino representative can see: "Player's withdrawal process is delayed due to excessive KYC requests." Since both sides have gone so far, it is difficult for us to find common ground on this forum, so I humbly believe that we should save the specifics for the complaint.

We will take some time to think about what has been said here and keep our emotions in check because I genuinely hope that you both will agree that more forum discussion will not resolve the issue.

Since it has devolved into an open dispute, the current "conversation" is completely pointless.

Could you please confirm that there will not be any more arguments here?

I have been following this discussion since the start, and with all due respect, I believe it is time to end it.

I advise both parties to cool off and concentrate on the complaint rather than this post-exchange.

Details will not be shared on the forum by the casino representative for a very good reason. This is solely the purpose of the complaint thread. https://casino.guru/favoritobet-casino-player-s-withdrawal-process-is 👈👈I want to be fairly clear about that.

However, since the complaint has not progressed to the point where we are asking the casino to provide an explanation, I do not think it is very vise to confront the player about something so significant at such an inappropriate time and place.

The complaint began with the following, as the casino representative can see: "Player's withdrawal process is delayed due to excessive KYC requests." Since both sides have gone so far, it is difficult for us to find common ground on this forum, so I humbly believe that we should save the specifics for the complaint.

We will take some time to think about what has been said here and keep our emotions in check because I genuinely hope that you both will agree that more forum discussion will not resolve the issue.

Since it has devolved into an open dispute, the current "conversation" is completely pointless.

Could you please confirm that there will not be any more arguments here?

Dear Radka,

It is not accurate to say that the casino representatives have not provided an explanation. Explanations have been sent to both email addresses provided in the complaints. Please check

As far as we are concerned, this discussion can be closed.

Kind regards,

FavoritoBet Team

FavoritoBet Casino

Dear casino representative,

I did not say that; I'm sorry.

To be honest, this seems to be one more misinterpretation of the entire situation. Permit me to add a brief observation:

It is great you address the complaint and explain your point of view there. But at this moment, it has quite little to do with the events on the forum because no one except you and the player is aware of its content.

This is a separate forum though. That means none of your explanations sent by email to anyone are available on the forum, because no one here can access internal communication between the complaint mediator and the player for example.

The last time I urged you to address the players concerns here on the forum—by replying to the player and providing your point of view on matters not exclusive to the separate complaint thread, such as:

non-working limits

a name player mentioned

and according to the latest events, concerns about user reviews and deleted posts

Allow me to explain once more that the complaint thread is not comparable to the forum thread, and thus all points related to the complaint should stay in the complaint until the process has finished.

On the other hand, though, it makes sense to present a simple explanation of why you won't address complaint-related matters on the forum, which is particularly common.

Imagine that here on the forum, you present your approach to the whole community, displaying your capability to provide players with support or clear out things you disagree with in a friendly manner. So, in order to show your best, it is always good to respond to the forum-related matters on the forum.

Every time I advised you to explain concrete points to the player, I was talking about the forum and topics non-related to the complaint.

I hope this little summary helps you in the future.

Have an amazing Sunday!


Hej, som du kan se, hjælper det alligevel ikke meget at tale, fordi casinoet benægter ting på trods af beviser. Ja, jeg er ikke her for at argumentere, men for at få mine penge. Sjovt at dette casino først vil have mit skattenummer og tonsvis af andre dokumenter fra 25.10, for derefter at afvise min hævning, fordi chips angiveligt ikke fungerer som en hævning, selvom jeg har indbetalt hos dem og også har valgt dem til hævningen og til sidst blokerer min konto efter Jeg sagde, at jeg ville bevise, at grænserne ikke virker (28.10). Og nu er de ved at finde på historien om dobbeltregnskabet, hvilket igen er løgn. Ja, jeg skal ikke skændes her mere, vi ordner det i min klage, hvor du vil se, at jeg har ret.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear Radka,

We will not be commenting further on this topic. We have provided the necessary evidence, and our casino operates in accordance with all industry standards. We are here to provide entertainment and support to our players. We do not respond to blackmail or fraud.

Kind regards, 

FavoritoBet Team

Så du kan diskutere ting her i forummet, jeg argumenterer ikke. Forummet skal også være en måde for spillere at høre andre spilleres erfaringer. Favoritobet fra Games & More BV samt Chipstars.bet som også er fra Games and more BV viser et mistænkeligt lignende mønster. Der er også nogle klager på andre sider såsom Casinomeister eller Askgambler, hvor spillere bliver bedt om dokumenter såsom bekræftede kopier, skattenumre osv. efter at have indbetalt 100 eller 200 og vundet mere end indbetalingen. Hvis spillerne har sendt disse dokumenter med succes, afvises udbetalingen, og fidusen med dubletkonti kommer i spil. Først anmoder de om private data, fx fra dokumenter, så udbetaler de ikke og fortsætter med løgnen om de duplikerede konti. Ja, du kan læse om det på internettet. Og ja, de tilhører Chipstars.bet. Hvis du anmoder om en chatudskrift fra Favoritobet, sendes den via e-mail, og afsenderen er Chipstars.bet-e-mailadressen. Jeg fortæller dem, at jeg kun ville have mine penge, men for at være retfærdig er jeg nødt til at beskytte andre spillere mod denne fidus. 1000 euro er ikke meget for mig, men det er for dem. De valgte simpelthen den forkerte spiller, som det ikke fungerer så nemt med. Og som altid kan jeg bevise alt, hvis nogen vil se det :) Jeg taler ikke kun med tomme påstande.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I believe it would be fair to leave that to the complaint to show us what did and what did not occur.

Hej, de ting, jeg tager fat på her, har intet at gøre med min klage. Der er i øjeblikket mange klager over Games & more bv, og dette bør nævnes, så spillere ikke falder i denne fælde

Automatisk oversættelse:

I believe it would be fair to leave that to the complaint to show us what did and what did not occur.

We believe that mentioning a company that operates 50 casino brands might not be the most suitable in this context. Additionally, we feel that individuals dealing with addiction issues or mental health challenges should seek assistance in more appropriate places for treatment.

FavoritoBet Casino

50 casinomærker😂😂😂 de har alvorlige problemer, ikke mig. Og bare så du ved det, her på Casinoguru er det kun begyndelsen for dem. De har haft chancer nok til at besvare e-mails, besvare spørgsmål fra spillere og har bare gemt og fundet på løgne. De snyder så åbenlyst folk, og som jeg ser, har de lavet falske anmeldelser på Trustpilot. Hvis ingen spillere giver dem en god vurdering, så gør de det selv med disse falske anmeldelser. Så patetiske er de. Som sagt er dette kun begyndelsen. De vil rive mig af, ikke med mig! De krydsede en grænse og røvede mig, og nu ser du, hvordan jeg afslører deres virksomhed på internettet med deres egne løgne. Jeg lyver ikke på internettet, kun sandheden og hvordan de behandler spillere! Deres egen skyld

Automatisk oversættelse:

We understand that some individuals may face challenges related to addiction and mental health. If someone chooses to continue sharing their experiences on forums, that is entirely their right; however, such actions will not impact our operations nor compel us to make any unwarranted payments.

Our team always strives to respond to inquiries transparently and with respect for all users.

We believe that mentioning a company that operates 50 casino brands might not be the most suitable in this context. Additionally, we feel that individuals dealing with addiction issues or mental health challenges should seek assistance in more appropriate places for treatment.

Dear casino, this post was a good advice to the player. With all due respect, perhaps you can reflect on your previous idea not to engage in this conversation.

I truly care about the picture you're showing here, try to do the same, please.

Indlæg af yasin61 er blevet slettet af Radka
Årsag: Stødende indhold

Radka, jeg synes, det er flot, som du bifalder kasinoet😁

Automatisk oversættelse:
Indlæg af yasin61 er blevet slettet af Radka
Årsag: Stødende indhold
Indlæg af yasin61 er blevet slettet af Radka
Årsag: Stødende indhold

Dear user,

To be honest, it was pretty clear that your profile would be banned here as soon as another of your complaints was found unjustified because, based on our findings, you continue to open multiple accounts at casinos.

I am sorry to see that you have turned bitter and vindictive and are unable to accept reality.

It should be noted that the complaint related to these conversations was dismissed with the following eplaantion:

"After reviewing all the evidence provided by the casino, we must proceed with closing this complaint. We have received clear proof that multiple accounts were created under your name, which is against the casino’s terms and conditions. As such, the casino is within its rights to confiscate winnings and block all related accounts.

Please remember that creating more than one account is strictly prohibited at any online casino."

Your account has been banned due to your excessive behavior and offensive and abusive accusations. According to the complaint, let's just say you were found to have been lying here.


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