HjemForumCasinoerGama Casino – generel debat

Gama Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af yoyeli
23.426 visninger 120 svar |
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This remains probably the single worst casino experience I have ever had. I hope everyone avoids this pile of trash.

I think it is worth mentioning that these technical difficulties the casino keep mentioning have been present on their sister site Cat Casino for over a year. This is obviously a lie they use not to pay. Disgusting how this site is not being investigated and the sister site has a 9.3 rating on Guru. They obviously lie and cheat if you read the reviews (the real ones, not the ones by users who have one review and are fake). They use technical difficulties as an excuse to cheat customers.

Disgusting scam.


Hello - I'm sorry I felt ill.

Speaking about sickness, I can only agree, the gambling industry is quite a shady place no wonder you have enough.

Once you realize you don't need to be fooled in any casino anymore because it's just no fun at all, that's what I would mark as the best time to say goodbye! 😀.

It's actually quite sad.

But I'd like to thank you for your effort. Would be nice to see you around someday. ✨

Stay well!

I think it is worth mentioning that these technical difficulties the casino keep mentioning have been present on their sister site Cat Casino for over a year. This is obviously a lie they use not to pay. Disgusting how this site is not being investigated and the sister site has a 9.3 rating on Guru. They obviously lie and cheat if you read the reviews (the real ones, not the ones by users who have one review and are fake). They use technical difficulties as an excuse to cheat customers.

Disgusting scam.

Does not sound good at all. I empathize with your attitude, yet it is the first time I'm hearing about similar issues in their sister casino, lasting longer than a year.

Proving something like that is not an easy task. This is what complaints are for, so if you struggle in another casino - Cat, for instance, submit another one.

I'm sorry to say it, but "it is obviously a lie" is not proper proof, so the index stays the same untill someone proves it undoubtedly.

This is how it works:



By taking a look at reviews of Cat Casino on Casino Guru, you can see that the first mentions of this ’technical difficulty’ are dated over a year ago.

There are numerous reviews mentioning the casino claiming that due to technical difficulties, no withdrawals can not be made.

I think there is substantial info from the side of the customers already.


I checked the casino review page and found nothing. Hey! Any chance the info you mentioned is hidden in the older user reviews by any chance?

That would explain a lot.

But the main approach is still the same. The reputation or Data Team won't change ratings based on the forum posts or user reviews, unquestionable proofs are solely needed for that, which means - complaints.

If you feel that something was overlooked, contact the Data Team and share what you gathered:


Not much else I could do from my perspective.

Jeg åbnede en konto hos Gamma Casino, men jeg lukkede den med det samme. Årsagen til dette var linket til aktivering af kontoen, som var markeret som ikke sikker, og som de sagde der, blev lignende links brugt til at stjæle personlige data. Jeg er interesseret i, om nogen andre havde lignende oplevelser på dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ya know, I've never played at Gamma. Thanks for the info. Unfortunately. I have been a gambler online for many yrs and have done really well actually. That's until this year. Everything has changed, there's no regulators and if there are, the "online Casinos" are paying them off. Sad but true. I'm getting ready to file yet another, not one but 2 claims against 2 casinos. One I've complained about before for non payment. They did pay me on the end but I about fell over when I logged in. Under my profile it says "SKILLED PLAYER" lol. Then they took away all bonuses, promos etc. So, I told them they're crazy and I don't play there anymore. "Duckyluck"... The other is BetUS. Been member for yrs. Everything changed when they sold few yrs back. It's really bad. I'm in for a fight but I've got screen shots plus all communications. They're full of it. Oh, the Guru actually gave them an excellent rating? Don't care the truth always comes our, it's a matter of how long and hard you fight for what's right. It's not even about the money, it's principal. They are snakes, and good at ripping you off. They don't have a license. But they found way to get the Govt of Curaco to regulate them. Costa Rica is where they call home however, they are in Canada. For real. I do my research

It's not fun but if we don't say something nothing will change. Still may not but gotta try

Thanks for reaching out.

Look for my posts, I'll do same with you.

Take care......

Jeg åbnede en konto hos Gamma Casino, men jeg lukkede den med det samme. Årsagen til dette var linket til aktivering af kontoen, som var markeret som ikke sikker, og som de sagde der, blev lignende links brugt til at stjæle personlige data. Jeg er interesseret i, om nogen andre havde lignende oplevelser på dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ok, that is serious!

Thanks for the warning! Did you take any screenshots, perhaps? That would be useful!


Hello, and thank you for your part.

May I remind you of the reply button? It's the best way to stay in touch with someone. 😉 Might be handy, right?


Desværre tog jeg ikke et skærmbillede. Jeg skriver her nu bare for at se, om nogen andre havde den samme oplevelse, da de tilmeldte sig dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

That's a pity. If something like this happens to you next time, you can take a screenshot and post it here. We'll be glad to see it.


I'm also curious if anyone else will have an experience similar to yours. Is this the first time this has happened to you ? Otherwise, have you had previous experience at any other casino with a comparable issue ?


Det er ikke første gang, at noget som dette er sket for mig, da jeg registrerede mig på et af kasinoerne. Og selvfølgelig gjorde jeg det samme som i dette tilfælde med GAMA casino. Det er simpelthen ikke risikoen værd. Desværre finder et stort antal, selv velvurderede kasinoer, altid undskyldninger for, at de ikke betaler dig. Det skete for mig mange gange, ikke relateret til dette emne, at de bad om umulige ting for at bekræfte kontoen, så jeg senere kunne anmode om betaling af penge.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I completely understand. If a person suspects the links might be dangerous, it's certainly not worth it to try and play. Perhaps it's a good thing that you've had similar experiences, because now you know what to do and what not to do if you come across such a link.


If we are talking about verification, yes, sometimes it can be a difficult process, but casinos have to protect themselves, just like they should protect the player, in my opinion. If you are interested, you could also start your own thread on this topic in the section- casinos, where you can describe your experiences in more detail, for example with KYC in different casinos. Other players might also be interested, as there is a lot of discussion about KYC. What do you think?


I would also like to ask you additionally, what other casinos have you had problems with links ? Which impossible things did the casinos ask you to verify your account? Let me know. 🙂

Jeg har i øjeblikket en klage over Gama her på Guru, fordi Gama ikke overholder spillerbeskyttelse.

Desværre får jeg ingen klare svar fra Casino Guru og sagen har stået på i et stykke tid. Jeg har allerede en fornemmelse af, at Casino Guru vil side med casinoet igen her, selvom sagen er ret klar.

Jeg lukkede min konto der uden mulighed for at genåbne og permanent, og Gama genåbnede kontoen alligevel.

Et permanent forbud og ingen mulighed for at genåbne betyder også, at der under ingen omstændigheder kan være en mulighed for at genåbne kontoen. Casino Guru antyder allerede, at Gama har ret, hvilket tydeligvis ikke er tilfældet, og jeg håber virkelig, at Casino Guru afgør denne sag retfærdigt og til min fordel.

Ellers er du bare ikke troværdig, at du repræsenterer spillerne her. Gama er allerede blevet kritiseret for en række ting, og at lade det gå ustraffet ville sige meget om dig.

Ja, jeg er vred. Casino Guru vil ikke håndtere min sag, vil ikke kontakte Gama, og engang om et par uger vil de afvise mig og tage stilling til casinoet. Og så føler man sig dobbelt skruet, når man skal vente så længe, uden at Casino Guru gør noget.

Jeg beder derfor igen om at kontakte ledelsen eller en affiliate manager i Gama og drøfte min sag og udlevere pengene, som ulovligt tilbageholdes på grund af brud på spillerbeskyttelsen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there.

Asking here is not going to work. Admins do not deal with complaints, and complaints handlers are non-present here on the forum - I'm sorry.

Well, I checked out the rejected complaint (closed due to insufficient evidence), and I feel it is probably quite similar to the last one, right?

Well, I think this statement is pretty clear:

"Secondly, the term clearly says that you should send an email if you want to permanently close your account due to gambling addiction, which you didn't do. If you did so, you could easily have proof of such action and our approach to this case would be completely different. You must understand that if the casino shares simple and clear instructions on how to request self-exclusion and you didn't follow them, and on top of that you don't have any proof the casino has been informed about your gambling problem, our options are very limited. I assure you that whenever a player provided valid evidence confirming they requested self-exclusion due to gambling addiction, we did everything we could do to help."

And as far as I see, there is again no mention of the gambling problem in the second (still open) complaint.

I strongly advise you to ask your account to be closed due to gambling issues next time you feel like you need to exclude yourself, otherwise, it will probably end up the same.

I'm just trying to help you understand that asking your account to be closed permanently means no real protection. This is not understood as a self-exclusion.

Believe me when I say I understand you're not happy about the current events.


Det er ufatteligt skandaløst, at du nu skændes sådan igen. En permanent lukning, et permanent forbud, uden mulighed for at genåbne, og du er ved at fortælle mig, at kasinoet har ret?

De er i ledtog med kasinoerne og hjælper ikke spillerne på nogen måde. Jeg er ikke forpligtet til at fortælle kasinoet, hvorfor jeg ønsker at forbyde min konto permanent for evigt, og stort set alle kasinoer har et permanent forbud, og det er præcis, hvad det er. Bortset fra, at Gama ikke gør det, og du prøver at forsvare det lige nu.

Jeg har absolut ingen sympati, hvis du lader, som om du ikke forstår. Det jeg skriver er fuldstændig logisk og enhver med sund fornuft og bare en lille smule logik vil forstå og se det på samme måde som jeg gør.

Hvis et kasino ikke respekterer den eksplicitte anmodning om en permanent, permanent lukning uden mulighed for at genåbne, jeg gentager, ingen mulighed for at genåbne, så har kasinoet klart overtrådt spillerbeskyttelsen, og kasinoet må under ingen omstændigheder genåbne kontoen.

Den eneste grund til, at du ikke ser det sådan, er, at du har en økonomisk interesse i casinoet og ikke har noget imod, hvis et casino bryder spillerbeskyttelsen.

Man stoler på dig, og så er den tillid fuldstændig forrådt, og du griner i ærmet med casinoet, fordi spillerne er så godtroende og henvender sig til dig. Jeg vil ikke finde mig i det denne gang, og jeg håber virkelig, at I vil løse denne sag på den måde, som enhver uden økonomisk interesse ville løse den til min fordel.

Automatisk oversættelse:


definitely noticed a trend here with Guru protecting mostly Russian-owned, Curacao-based casinos. I find it hard to believe that it is a coincidence these tend to have HIGH SAFETY standards but pretty abysmal customer reviews.

Radka's reply to my accusations of Game and Cat having defended themselves with 'technical issues' is beyond absurd.

Radka, can you not read? It is quite visible from the reviews for _Cat Casino_ that they have had these 'technical difficulties' for over a year.


Isn't it simply because most of casinos in our database are licensed in Curacao? Then we clearly receive most of the complaints against those casinos and in some cases, we clearly stand on their side. You could hardy say that we tend to protect casinos based in Estonia since we don't have enough of them in the database.

Det er ufatteligt skandaløst, at du nu skændes sådan igen. En permanent lukning, et permanent forbud, uden mulighed for at genåbne, og du er ved at fortælle mig, at kasinoet har ret?

De er i ledtog med kasinoerne og hjælper ikke spillerne på nogen måde. Jeg er ikke forpligtet til at fortælle kasinoet, hvorfor jeg ønsker at forbyde min konto permanent for evigt, og stort set alle kasinoer har et permanent forbud, og det er præcis, hvad det er. Bortset fra, at Gama ikke gør det, og du prøver at forsvare det lige nu.

Jeg har absolut ingen sympati, hvis du lader, som om du ikke forstår. Det jeg skriver er fuldstændig logisk og enhver med sund fornuft og bare en lille smule logik vil forstå og se det på samme måde som jeg gør.

Hvis et kasino ikke respekterer den eksplicitte anmodning om en permanent, permanent lukning uden mulighed for at genåbne, jeg gentager, ingen mulighed for at genåbne, så har kasinoet klart overtrådt spillerbeskyttelsen, og kasinoet må under ingen omstændigheder genåbne kontoen.

Den eneste grund til, at du ikke ser det sådan, er, at du har en økonomisk interesse i casinoet og ikke har noget imod, hvis et casino bryder spillerbeskyttelsen.

Man stoler på dig, og så er den tillid fuldstændig forrådt, og du griner i ærmet med casinoet, fordi spillerne er så godtroende og henvender sig til dig. Jeg vil ikke finde mig i det denne gang, og jeg håber virkelig, at I vil løse denne sag på den måde, som enhver uden økonomisk interesse ville løse den til min fordel.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Based on what you described here, it may sound like the case is too complicated for external readers, but I'd like to bring some light on it.

When it comes to Casino Guru and complaints related to responsible gambling / accounts closed for gambling addiction etc., we have simple rules that are the basement for all the complaint cases related to it:

Whenever the player asks the casino for the account closure due to gambling issues, gambling addiction, problem gambling or however you'd like to call it and the casino doesn't close the account within a reasonable timeframe (it differs based on how you contact the casino - if it's an email, then let's say 2-3 days should be sufficient), we should stand on the player's side.

When the casino gives the player clear instructions or provides clear instructions on their website regarding the account closure due to above-mentioned reasons and the player fails to follow them, we usually stand on the casino's side.

Whenever the player asks the casino for the account closure without providing the reason and the casino fails to do it or they reopen the account later based on their internal policy, we usually don't punish the casino for it, since the casino has no obligation to keep the account closed for any other reasons that the gambling (health) issues.

It has nothing to do with us protecting certain group of casinos. The approach is always the same.

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