Nogle gange anmoder en spiludbyder om en investering baseret på gameplay. Nogle gange gør den det på baggrund af, hvordan du spiller casinoet og spørger spiludbyderen, fordi den vil verificere, at du har fulgt alle reglerne, som du skulle have. Det er en slags garanti for dem, at alt var fint fra din side. Det sker ofte, når du fx spiller med en bonus, eller når du vinder et større beløb, så det er dér, investeringen sker.
Casinoet har ret til at gøre dette samt spiludbyderen til at tjekke, hvad der er nødvendigt for dem.
På den anden side er det altid godt, hvis de informerer spilleren om det og ikke giver ham en anden deadline hele tiden. Nogle gange kan årsagerne være forskellige, men disse er de mest almindelige, jeg er stødt på.
Sometimes a game provider requests an investment based on gameplay. Sometimes it does it on the basis of how you play the casino and asks the game provider because it wants to verify that you have followed all the rules as you should have. It's a kind of guarantee for them that everything was fine on your part. It often happens for example when you play with a bonus or when you win a bigger amount, so that's when the investment happens.
The casino has the right to do this as well as the game provider to check what is necessary for them.
On the other hand, it is always good if they inform the player about it and don't give him another deadline all the time. Sometimes the reasons can be different, but these are the most common ones I have encountered.
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