HjemForumCasinoerJackTop Casino – generel debat

JackTop Casino – generel debat (side 10)

 af C078
38.475 visninger 233 svar |
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Jeg troede, at jeg allerede havde stødt på de værste kasinoer på jordens overflade, men dette ene topper dem alle.

Disse udfører bevidst adfærd for at få en spiller til at miste eventuelle gevinster.

De annullerer dine hævninger file

Du beder dem tre gange om at suspendere kontoen for ikke at miste pengene, og det gør de ikke


Hvis du lukker din spillekonto, beholdes alle pengene på din spillekonto


De forsinker betalingen af en tilbagetrækning ud over de frister, der er angivet i deres T&C'er (3 dage). Jeg har endnu ikke modtaget de udbetalingspenge, jeg indtastede i fredags!

De tilbyder ingen beskyttelse til spillere og gør alt, hvad de kan for at få dig til at tabe det, du har vundet.

Sortlistet casino, og du formår stadig at give det en god vurdering..

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good day to you.

I know you have heard this many times, yet still:

If you aim to prove the casino is doing something wrong, you simply have to follow the compliant path.

We appreciate your shared feedback, just acknowledge that every time you say something like "Blacklisted casino and you still manage to give it a good rating" while the associated complaint is still in progress, you will get the very same response.

I do still hope that one day you'll understand we are not here to oppose you, and you will restrain from this passive aggression. Can't say your posts have been at least neutral, if you catch my meaning.


Good day to you.

I know you have heard this many times, yet still:

If you aim to prove the casino is doing something wrong, you simply have to follow the compliant path.

We appreciate your shared feedback, just acknowledge that every time you say something like "Blacklisted casino and you still manage to give it a good rating" while the associated complaint is still in progress, you will get the very same response.

I do still hope that one day you'll understand we are not here to oppose you, and you will restrain from this passive aggression. Can't say your posts have been at least neutral, if you catch my meaning.


Måske vil de betale ksa

Automatisk oversættelse:

Maybe. We shall see!


But if they let people register from restricted countries with the intent to not pay them out when they win they should refund all deposits from everyone that ever deposited from said countries.


Have you also tried to see if your country is banned from the casino ? I think it is also necessary before depositing somewhere to avoid similar scenarios. 

Also, did you ask for a self-exclusion or something similar ? According to the complaint I saw that you wanted to close the account but I'm not sure which of the two processes was involved.

Anyway, since I mentioned that you have a complaint, our team will try to find out everything relevant and see if we can help.  

Please let us know the outcome of it, whenever possible. Can not image what it could be, to tell you the truth, the casino operates under the Curaçao (GC) licence, actually.

" If you also deposited with a credit card you can ask the casino directly for a refund of the transactions because they illegally use third-party merchants." - Have you got any proof of this, if I may ask? I am really curious.

Hmm, interesting quite what you found out. Did you also manage to get the refund ? I see from the email it should be the case. 

Also, could you keep us posted or update us on what you discover further ? 

What mail can i use

Hvorfor har jacktop en rating på 7,8?

Automatisk oversættelse:

I do not completely understand this question, but I could guess it has something to do with your complaint. Am I right? Hopefully, our team will be able to get in touch with the casino so your issue can be resolved.

Do you, by any chance, know what the reason is that they do not want to communicate with you?

In the meantime, if you wish to have a look, here is the safety index of tis casino explained a bit better. Maybe it will help you to understand how do we review all the online casinos.


De holder mig på linjen, og hver gang på Trust Pilot bliver jeg bedt om at kontakte support, når jeg gør det igen, de ignorerer dem

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hopefully, our team will have more luck contacting the casino then.🙏


Intet svar efter dette

Automatisk oversættelse:

I checked your recent complaints to get some idea, and I found you have quite a history with this casino. Is it possible that your earlier complaint against them, which was dismissed as unresolved, is the reason they are avoiding contact with you? According to the details, you were interested in refunds due to a missing Dutch license.

Casinos usually do not respond well to that. We also do not believe you were entitled to a refund.

Well, I sincerely hope I'm mistaken here.

Hvorfor har jacktop en rating på 7,8?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Since every measurable criterion is fairly good, I would say that is why. It is not unusual for players who request refunds because of their Curacao licenses to disagree. Is this the case, perhaps?

Let's just say we have different optics on this subject.


Jeg vil gerne have en refusion, men da dette ikke ville være muligt, skal de ikke sige på trust pilot at kontakte mig, mens hvis jeg gør dette, er der ikke noget svar, så er det efter min mening en humbug

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well obviously it would be best if they got to you. According to the last update you gave in your complaint, I saw that they are again putting it on some department where they should deal with your situation. I wonder if they will write and let you know how it is going and if anything has changed. 

If so I will be here.


What department im waiting for months they blocked my email


I'm sorry, but I'm still quite convinced you expect the casino to pay for the issue described in your previously rejected complaint. It almost seems the casino agrees with the rejection and is not willing to discuss the issue further, even with you.

May I know what makes you believe the casino is still obliged to press this matter forward, please?

I'm referring to this situation:

"If a casino allows players from a certain country to deposit and play, they should pay their legitimate winnings. By the same principle, if a player deposits in a casino and loses, the player is not eligible for a refund.

We can't penalize casinos if they lack any particular license.

After gathering all the information, this complaint will now be rejected."

Perhaps the first one👈 holds the explanation?

"As I explained previously, casinos can close players' accounts whenever and for whatever reason as long as no funds have been confiscated in the process. We would really like to help, but it is impossible for us under these circumstances.

Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. "

Under these circumstances, I would love to understand what kind of response you're expecting. Help me understand that, please.

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