Kære nonyabizzo1,
Vi skriver for at opdatere dig om din seneste anmodning om udbetaling. Midlerne på i alt AUD 880,01 er blevet returneret til din Playfina-konto. Dette skete den 2024-01-12 kl. 14:21:35, med årsagen til returneringen angivet som "Ugyldig konto".
Det er tydeligt, at problemet ligger i, at banken ikke accepterer de betalingsoplysninger, du har angivet. Vi har sendt pengene korrekt hver gang baseret på de oplysninger, du har givet os, men din bank har gentagne gange afvist disse transaktioner.
Vores team har bemærket, at dit modtagernavn indeholder en bindestreg ("-"), som kan bidrage til problemet. Vi anbefaler, at du anmoder om tilbagetrækningen igen og sikrer, at modtagerens navn indtastes uden bindestregen.
For at få specifik vejledning om, hvilke detaljer der skal angives for en vellykket transaktion, bedes du kontakte vores supportteam direkte via live chat eller e-mail support@playfina.com . De er klar til at hjælpe dig med at sikre, at alle dine kontooplysninger er nøjagtige og acceptable for din bank.
Tak for din opmærksomhed på denne sag. Vi håber at løse det hurtigt.
Med venlig hilsen,
Playfina Support Team
Dear nonyabizzo1,
We're writing to update you about your recent withdrawal request. The funds, totaling AUD 880.01, have been returned to your Playfina account. This occurred on 2024-01-12 at 14:21:35, with the reason for the return cited as "Invalid account."
It's clear that the issue lies with the bank not accepting the payment details you've provided. We've sent the funds correctly each time based on the information you gave us, but your bank has repeatedly rejected these transactions.
Our team has noted that your beneficiary name includes a hyphen ("-"), which could be contributing to the issue. We recommend that you request the withdrawal again, ensuring that the beneficiary name is entered without the hyphen.
To get specific guidance on what details need to be provided for a successful transaction, please contact our support team directly via live chat or email support@playfina.com. They are ready to assist you in ensuring that all your account information is accurate and acceptable to your bank.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope to resolve it promptly.
Best regards,
Playfina Support Team
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