HjemForumCasinoerRollino Casino – generel debat

Rollino Casino – generel debat (side 5)

 af frabello40
46.778 visninger 250 svar |
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Ja, det er fint, hvis disse afsnit er med i anmeldelsen😉

Det er godt og vel, at de blokerede €1000 fra mig og gik ind for 5x-reglen.

Men det faktum, at jeg vandt med disse penge (rigtige kontanter), og de annullerede udbetalingen igen, er mere end uretfærdigt.

Jeg spurgte endda i chatten, og de sagde, at alt var fint, du kunne vinde mere med de rigtige penge og få dem udbetalt. Jeg havde ikke længere bonussen på det tidspunkt.

Det står der heller ikke noget om i vilkårene

Ps: De ændrer sikkert vilkårene nu, men det forbliver det samme, at €400 blev slettet af mig...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, it seems pretty unfair to me too, to tell you the truth, especially if you played with real money.  

But I hope that you will be able to fix it with the help of the complaint that you have filed. The casino has already responded once, so I hope that when it comes to it they will do it again and everything will be solved. 

Anyway, I'm also curious about the Terms and Conditions you mentioned if they will change. 

Finally, be sure to let us know again if anything changes. For now we will wait. 

Hi guys! I think you just need to take a break and take a break, it's just a casino and luck

Yes, sometimes it's best to take a break. But I think that problems which arise have to be solved, especially when something happens that is not fair. But in general, yes, it's always about luck when it comes to the casino. 🙂



In relation to your concerns about the bonus terms, please note that after losing the real balance, you played with the bonus balance. As per our bonus terms (https://rollino.co/en/page/bonus-terms, rule 1.3), winnings while wagering the bonus have a max cashout of 5 times the bonus amount. For that reason the excess was voided. You can find more detailed information inside your complaint section.

Best Regards,

Rollino Team


Godnat. Du kan betale i $ (pesos)

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi this is a question towards the casino whether you can deposit in this currency ? Or is your post about something else ? 

Hej, jeg lavede en indbetaling gennem astropay, hvilket er et af de midler, som DE HAR aktiveret til at indbetale, jeg vil hæve og astropay vises ikke, kun for kryptonomenoder, jeg har verificeret min tegnebog, og den fortæller mig stadig, at jeg skal indbetale, hvis de har astropay som et indskud af hvem har ikke astropay at hæve?

mit id PLAYER2532890


diego vergara maldonado

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi there.

This is indeed a very good question, yet I would ask the casino. You are correct, though; it is common practice that the deposit method is more likely to be used for the withdrawal. But exclusions exist, and you've probably found one.

Well, let's see whether the casino representative will help us out with that. 🤔


Dear enjoystellar, 

Thank you for reaching out. As of now, for our customers in Chile, the primary withdrawal method is via cryptocurrencies, even if deposits are made through Astropay. We're actively working on expanding our withdrawal methods and hope to offer more options soon. We appreciate your understanding and patience.  


I am facing the same problem with other players with this casino. I made a deposit for the amount of 143€ i received an email from neteller confirming the amount was sent to the casino, yet the amount never got added to my account balance.

I sent them multiple emails with the evidence of my transaction, the email i received from neteller confirming my successful payment and they said they are investigating my transaction.

I am afraid it is just another fraudulent online casino.

I am extremely frustrated I trusted them with my money.


Hi, I read your issue and I got to the complaint that you managed to open. The casino says there that your deposit was credited to your gaming account. Can you confirm if this has indeed happened here on the forum and in the complaint as well ?

Jeg har ventet på min betaling siden den 17. oktober.

Jeg fik endda denne mail.

Kære) ,

Tillykke med din sejr! Vi er glade for at kunne informere dig om, at dine udbetalinger vil blive foretaget i henhold til følgende tidsplan:

beløbet på 300 EUR udbetales den 19. oktober 23.

Med venlig hilsen, økonomiafdelingen!

Hvis du har spørgsmål, hjælper vi dig gerne via live chat eller e-mail

Desværre skete der ikke noget i dag.

PS Mit spiller-id: PLAYER2391094

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, so when the casino told you when the money should arrive and it didn't, did you ask the support why this is so and what the problem was ? 

I don't think you need to panic yet and try to inquire in live chat and see what they answer. Would that be possible ?  

Live support siger bare rolig, tilbagetrækningen behandles i øjeblikket.

Og ellers siger de ikke noget

Automatisk oversættelse:

I got it. So I would recommend to wait some more time and if any problems develop, you can update us. We give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal issue, so you're just getting started. Anyway, I would be glad if you would share your new information with us if the money comes in. Good luck. ☘️😊


Upon reviewing your account, it appears that there have been multiple withdrawal attempts which were subsequently cancelled shortly after initiation. Our financial team requires a certain amount of time to review and process each withdrawal request. 

To resolve this, we kindly ask that you initiate a withdrawal request and allow it to remain active without cancelling it. Once you've made this request, please give our financial team some time to review and process it. We understand the importance of timely payments and will do our best to expedite the review once the request is made.


Hej, jeg har forsøgt at hæve, jeg har allerede valideret kontoen, hævningen blev accepteret, og efter 2 dage sendte de mig dette:


Tekniske problemer og nu venter jeg igen på at tilbagetrækningen bliver accepteret og aldrig igen, jeg føler mig skuffet over dette casino

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you're having similar difficulties in the casino. I can see that technical problems are to blame. How long has your situation been going on? Have you tried entering your withdrawal again ? Did you use the same payment method or some other method ? I think the casino will try to help you at least with their answer as they have done with the players so far. 

Anyway, let me know if the re-withdrawal also failed or you managed to get your money.  


Jeg er allerede begyndt at foretage en ny hævning, men det er weekend, jeg vil se hvad der sker i løbet af ugen og så lader dig vide, betalingsmetoder er ok, jeg vil hæve ved bankoverførsel, fordi jeg er gået ind via ATM, nu har jeg at vente til ugen kommer og se. Denne undersøgelse var allerede accepteret og gik tilbage, men jeg begyndte at undersøge den igen, lad os se, og så vil jeg give dig information

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see! We will be here for further updates! 🤞🤞

With luck, it won't take long to find out.

På dette tidspunkt er det tilbage på den måde uden at kunne annullere tilbagetrækningen, men det var det før, og de annullerede det på grund af tekniske problemer, nu skal vi bare vente. file

Automatisk oversættelse:
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