HjemForumCasinoerSnatch Casino – generel debat

Snatch Casino – generel debat (side 16)

 af caiods20221
64.565 visninger 359 svar |
1...15 16 1718

Jeg vandt også 640, men maksimum var 40. Det var allerede kendt. At være venskab med iwild casino... Jeg har ventet på udbetalinger i 20 dage og før jeg indbetalte 20 euro på snatch for at kunne hæve de 40 bonusser... Jeg venter stadig... du skal forlade casinoer med lange tilbagetrækninger alene...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh you've been waiting for quite a long time, did the casino tell you why that is? 40 is the maximum cashout from the bonus you mentioned? 

If you need help, you know you can contact us, because this is not a convenient time to wait for money. 🤔

Jeg venter på udfaldet af tilbagetrækningen fra iwildcasino...ved snatch skal jeg lave et indskud på 20, før jeg trækker ud...ved at være tvilling vil jeg ikke give ham 20...første udbetaling 40 fra iwild. .og der er allerede gået over 20 dage...

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand completely, I would just ask you to write to the next casino in the thread that is dedicated to it. I know it's related, but let's not mix two different casinos here. Thank you, and of course if you need help, my suggestion still stands. 

Udover dem, hvem er de andre datterselskaber? Hvor kan jeg finde oplysninger om dem... er gamblezen det samme? Giv os flere oplysninger, så vi kan holde os væk fra disse kasinoer... Jeg har over 200 registrerede websteder i min browser, og jeg deler dem op i grupper...

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand your request.🤔

You can find all the reviews of the casinos on our site, together with all the information.

For example, Gamblezen is here, and they have their own thread related to this casino.

The same goes for the other casinos as well.

Was this helpful, please, or do you need to know something else? Let us know.

Gates of Olympus 1000 at Snatch Casino is an exhilarating game with stunning visuals and exciting features that keep every spin fresh and engaging. The chance to win big with nonstop thrills makes it a must-try for anyone who loves high-energy gameplay!


Do you play it at this particular casino as well? Any nice winnings perhaps?

Heart of Cleopatra at Snatch Casino is an exciting, visually stunning game with amazing bonus features that keep the thrills going. The smooth mechanics and rewarding gameplay make it enjoyable for both new players and experienced slot enthusiasts. This game is perfect for anyone looking for a fun and simple yet rewarding slot experience.


Hi, is there anything else you would say about the casino besides one game? 

Hej alle sammen, snatch casino afviste en udbetalingsanmodning, og det er ikke den store nyhed…..

denne gang opfandt de, at jeg skal sende udbetalingen til den samme betalingsmetode, som jeg brugte til indbetalingen…..

problemet er, at det IBAN, de angav til mig, er det, hvor jeg tidligere har fået udbetalinger sendt, men som jeg aldrig har, jeg gentager, aldrig har foretaget indbetalinger.

Desuden er det IBAN, de angav, for en lukket foliokonto.

hvor mærkeligt….

Er det nogensinde sket for dig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, it is quite common that it is recommended to withdraw by the same method where you deposit and therefore to the same place.

But if you say that the account where you should make the withdrawal is closed, I suppose that some alternative should be found. Have you told the casino that this is the case and can something be done about it? 

I can imagine that if you want to withdraw using some other method, it will be verified first and then the money will be withdrawn. 

However, I don't know how they would proceed in this case, so the best thing would be to find out from them and if that is not possible then we will try to help you.

What do you think?


Tak Jaro for din kommentar, men der er en fejl i det du siger:

kasinoet vil have mig til at angive et bank-IBAN som hævekonto, hvorfra jeg aldrig har foretaget en indbetaling.

Jeg brugte det pågældende IBAN til udbetalinger, aldrig til indbetalinger.

Anyway, i morges foretog kasinoet betalingerne som anmodet af mig, så alt virker ok.

Lad os se, hvordan den næste tilbagetrækning går.


Automatisk oversættelse:

So sorry for the miscommunication on my part. 

But I see it's moved on and you've already got one. Do you also have the same IBAN for the other withdrawals?

Be sure to let me know what happens next. 🙂

Men hvis jeg vil lukke min konto..er de forpligtet til at overføre pengene til min konto? Jeg har aldrig indbetalt, og jeg vil ikke gerne indbetale i dette casino, som er venskabsbaseret med iwild casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Men hvis jeg vil lukke min konto..er de forpligtet til at overføre pengene til min konto? Jeg har aldrig indbetalt, og jeg vil ikke gerne indbetale i dette casino, som er venskabsbaseret med iwild casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

You have won some money and now you want the casino to pay you and have a closed account at the same time, yes? I know I have come across cases where it was not possible to close your account before you want to withdraw money or when you are in the middle of the process. Doesn't the casino have this stated in the Terms somewhere? 

Anyway, if you won at the casino and you didn't break anything, you should be paid. On the other hand, it occurred to me that often when you withdraw for the first time, if this is the case, you have to make a verification deposit, so if the casino asks you to do that, you probably won't be successful without it.

So can you describe to me how it is?

Can someone explain to me how Snatchcasino can have a rating of 8.9?

They delay withdrawals and blame high workloads because it was Christmas and New Year, when people gamble the most...

Been playing for 17 years and I've never experienced anything like this.


Pas på det er venskabsby med iwild casino ..hvilket er værre..Jeg har spillet i 25 år...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Can someone explain to me how Snatchcasino can have a rating of 8.9?

They delay withdrawals and blame high workloads because it was Christmas and New Year, when people gamble the most...

Been playing for 17 years and I've never experienced anything like this.

Hi, this is the reason why their Safety index is the way it is.


As for the withdrawal, how long have you been waiting? Unfortunately, as far as the holidays are concerned, it is possible that the casino is still recovering a bit because it doesn't process withdrawals during these days and it is possible that they don't have many people. 

Of course, this shouldn't be the case now and since it's a week after the new year, they should probably have normal conditions. 

I also saw that you managed to file a complaint and if you don't get the money, our team will try to help you. 

The casino doesn't have a single unresolved complaint, so there is a good chance they will try to resolve this one as well. 

I hope it will be as soon as possible. 


Hi Jaro

Appreciate your opinions, feels better to me.

There are incredible emotional swings when you are exposed to this.

My account was verified on 31 Dec and then I have had 3x500euro withdrawals pending since 1 January.

What you should know is that I have 19,000 euros in the account after this.. If they then send a withdrawal of 500 euros every now and then, this will be unsustainable.

What worries me enormously are all the bad reviews I've seen afterwards on Trustpilot, among others, but also with you from the players. They have a ranking of 8.9 from you guys but when it comes to player votes it is very, very bad.

I really hope your Petronela can take care of this, I know your specialists are talented but at the same time it takes such a long time when you have a lot to do.

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