HjemForumCasinoerSpinanga Casino – generel debat

Spinanga Casino – generel debat (side 35)

11 måneder siden af Miikkuli
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2 måneder siden

Kan der indgives en klage for at finde ud af årsagen til lukningen?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Do I understand correctly that you have multiple accounts in some casinos? What specifically would you like to report and what would you like to complain about? If you have multiple accounts at a casino and the casino closed one of them based on what you describe, I would always check with the casino first to see how it is possible that you managed to open another one and that you have another one. 

If this is not the case and you only have one account everywhere and the casino did not take any money from you, they just closed your account, I don't see the problem with that either and you wouldn't go anywhere with that complaint. 

2 måneder siden

Min konto hos Vegasino, Betspino, Revolutiocasino, ZeusWin, Spinrollz, Wildsino er blevet lukket, og de er fra samme ejer, og jeg skal nævne, at jeg heller ikke har brugt dem.

Men på andre casinoer som Rabona, Betriot, Librabet, Amunra, som også er ejet af samme selskab, og som jeg ikke har brugt, er de stadig aktive.

Derfor er jeg nysgerrig efter at vide årsagen til at have lukket dem, jeg ved ikke om det er en fejl i systemet, efter Privacy-opdateringen af ​​alle disse casinoer.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

It might be a good idea to ask them and write them an email. Maybe if you had no activity there, the casino decided to close your account. As I mentioned before, if you don't have any money there, they can close it without giving you a reason. The fact that you don't have accounts closed in other casinos doesn't really play any role. 

So maybe I would try what I wrote and send an email to the casinos where your account was closed for a reason and see what they tell you. 

Anyway, are you just interested or would you like to play in those casinos? 

1 måned siden

God aften!

Jeg har foretaget 3 udbetalinger på 6-7-8 dage (én udbetaling pr. dag), og der er stadig ingen udbetaling gennemført, og der er ikke anmodet om dokumenter! Første udbetalinger er. Er der nogen der er stødt på problemer med netop dette firma??

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Hi, I've moved your post under the casino where you can read similar experiences of players. It often happens that this is a problem but the casino eventually pays the players, it just takes longer than usual. Sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks, so it is possible that this is the case for you as well. Until you have asked for any documents verification will not be necessary but you will have to pay.

If nothing has changed and the casino hasn't paid you, share it and we'll try to help.

Do you think you can handle it?

1 måned siden

Thank you Jaro, nothing has changed from yesterday, so I will wait these two weeks and I will wait for any further assistance from casino’s side!

1 måned siden

2 weeks are counted from the time you requested a withdrawal, so if you requested it about a week ago, you won't have to wait another two weeks, just so you know. I noticed that nothing has changed, which is a shame, but I believe that you will eventually get your money. Sometimes the casino takes longer, but eventually they pay out players. So now you will have to be patient and we will see what will happen next. 🙂

1 måned siden

Hello again! 17 days have passed from my first withdrawal and I still haven’t received my money! This is incredible! Is anyone from the casino in here??

1 måned siden

You would have to check the other pages to see if the casino has responded to any players here or not. Anyway, I see that you have already filed a complaint and I firmly believe that you will be able to resolve the matter. 

The casino hasn't said anything to you about this situation since the last time we corresponded? 

1 måned siden

Only that indeed my withdraws are delayed and they will forward my issue. General things, not a specific answer.

1 måned siden

I know that this casino often takes around 2 weeks to pay out a player but often if he hasn't broken anything they will pay him out. 

Obviously there is not much we can do about such responses and although I hate to say it, we will have to continue to be patient. Kristina will try to help you and I hope it won't take long and we will contact the casino if you still don't have the money. 

I wish that wasn't necessary and you would have come forward to say that you have already received it. 😥

Indlæg af valnikos2 er blevet slettet
Indlæg af valnikos2 er blevet slettet
1 måned siden

Hi, I think you'll have to be patient with your withdrawals and wait for the casino to approve them. Wasn't it necessary for you to verify and send the casino the documents? Why did you enter three withdrawals using a different payment method? Usually it is recommended to do it with the one you deposited with, so I wonder if the casino will reject your withdrawal or not. 

Lastly, I wanted to add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need and if they don't send you the money, you can contact us and we'll recommend the next step. 

Do you think you can handle it? 🙂

Indlæg af valnikos2 er blevet slettet
Indlæg af valnikos2 er blevet slettet
1 måned siden

But we didn't tell you on the website that it would take 3 days because we are not a casino. That's what they must have told you, but sometimes it happens that withdrawals does not handle only casino. If they have a third party provider that handles it, then it's possible that they have to do the whole withdrawal. 

So just try to be patient, don't gamble with the money or cancel the withdrawal and I firmly believe that the money will reach you soon. 

If not, we will be here to help you.

1 måned siden

Jeg har oplevet 3 hævninger på 500/500/500

Pr. 16/11/24 og stadig er min ansøgning under behandling, og i dag har vi 29/11 og stadig intet

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Hi there! I was unable to ignore your new account. Could you please confirm that you made a new account in order to return to the forum?

Tell us about any problems you are having with the account, and we will try our best to fix them.

In relation to the casino, have you been required to complete the verification process in the past week?

Can you access the casino account, please? I noticed that Jaro was attempting to ascertain whether the casino had provided an explanation for the events, but it appears that we have yet to get the response from you. Can you please help us with that?

Even if we suggest that you file a complaint, these issues need to be addressed explicitly, which is why I am asking. I hope you understand; so, let us know the details, please.

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