HjemForumCasinoerSpinanga Casino – generel debat

Spinanga Casino – generel debat (side 39)

 af Miikkuli
116.246 visninger 839 svar |
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Hey guys, did any of you receive any payments between yesterday and today? Thanks


Nej, intet.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey guys, did any of you receive any payments between yesterday and today? Thanks

Nej ingenting

Intet siden 14.01

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, is here anyone that recive some withdraw from this site? My request was on 21.1.2025 and still nothing. What can i do?



Hej, vi er flere. Jeg venter stadig på 3 udbetalinger siden den 14. januar. Jeg har kontaktet livechatten flere gange, altid med det samme automatiske svar, og de besvarer ikke engang mine e-mails.

Jeg har en åben klage, men den gør ingen fremskridt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh not great. Maybe this site is all scam. Same here don’t answer to mail and the live chat is so funny, always same response. So we can forget about getting our money back🥹🥲 or what is your opinion here.

I am in the same situation. I find it highly questionable that this casino and other affiliated casinos through Rabidi has such a high rating on this site.

Yea, that is correct. But that is also on the other site. The rating about Spinanga are high, so i was sure that is legit and safe site to play. But now i think that is a scam. Maybe some people can share about how they got the money back from this site, if there is any😏


Det er utroligt, at en virksomhed med en omsætning på $100.000.000 ikke har penge til at betale sine kunder. Et firma, der åbner tre til fem nye casinosider hver måned. Helt ærligt, jeg har haft problemer med dem tidligere, og de har ingen interesse i at ændre sig. Ærgerligt, skamfuldt!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, is here anyone that recive some withdraw from this site? My request was on 21.1.2025 and still nothing. What can i do?


Hi, we give casinos 14 days to pay the player. I would say that if you don't have a reason why the casino hasn't paid you and you don't know anything from them, then I would think about filing a complaint after that time. 

So did they tell you anything? Did you play with any bonus or not? Have you been verified by the casino?

Godaften, på spinanga casino spillede jeg blackjack ...før jeg spillede var min saldo 39,91...jeg satsede 11€ kl. 15:49:27

Før partiet havde jeg: €38,91

Jeg satser 11 €

Jeg vandt, men min konto forblev på 28,91 euro.

Jeg har kontaktet casinoet både via e-mail og chat. I chatten fortæller de mig, at jeg skal kontakte dem via e-mail, og de svarer ikke på min e-mail!

Andre gange svarer de mig i chat, at det tager mere og mere tid og henviser mig til e-mail support.

Det er ikke for 20€, men denne taktik viser et upålideligt casino. Hold dig væk fra dette casino.

Det er et casino, hvis vurdering skulle have været under 6,0.

Når de opfører sig sådan for 20€, satser du simpelthen ikke dine penge på dette casino, det vil give dig problemer.

Jeg skal tilføje, at nogle af repræsentanterne i min chat indrømmede, at det var en fejl, og det ville blive rettet...men pengene blev aldrig refunderet...Jeg bliver ved med at få det samme svar "det tager mere tid"... Hahahaha 26 dage for dem at gennemgå en 20 sekunders video og refundere et beløb på €20....

Kasinoet stinker, langt væk.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I wanted to recommend you a complaint, but I see that you have already managed to file it, so let's see if our team can help you. Do you also have a game history where it shows your bet as won or not? I would definitely make a record of it just to be sure. I think that such a mistake, if admitted by the casino itself, wouldn't have to be dragged out for so long, and it's probably quite easy to keep track of if you know the exact time. 

Of course, as I said, we will be here and ready to assist you and hopefully we can achieve a successful end.

In the meantime, if something changes and the casino contacts you, be sure to let us know.

Hi all, does any of you have some update on payments? Yesterday they were telling me on the live chat that was due to a technical error with a third-party provided, today that is due to high volume of payments.. zero help from their side. 22 days waiting to receive my money and counting..


Hey, ok i will wait another week and then filing a complaint. No they didn’t, yea i have active first deposit bonus and wager all the amount so the bonus was complete as the rules said. No not yer, i want to verified myself, but the spinanga said that i dont need yet to verified myself. I also send a gmail with all my information for the verification to go process.

Thank for you help,



Hey, im in touch with live chat a they gave me this answer tonight at 16.16 time.



Disse personer vil bede dig om at verificere alle bevægelser på dit kort for de sidste 3 måneder. Jeg er verificeret, og de bad mig om dem. Når du foretager din tredje eller fjerde hævning, vil de tvinge dig, eller de vil ikke fortsætte med at betale.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I dag har jeg afmeldt mig fra alle kasinoer i denne gruppe, de er en fidus.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Har de altid betalt dig for hævninger? Har du haft flere med dem?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, but you got any withdraw from this site process? Yea, but why credit card if i was using crypto to deposit my assets.


I also think that all i scam, i just want to recive the money ans get out of this. Hope we can get the money

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