HjemForumCasinoerVerde Casino – generel debat

Verde Casino – generel debat (side 5)

 af Sev01
49.559 visninger 395 svar |
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ladies and gentlemen

I work in the field of legal and tax consulting, and I have a client who has a big problem with the gambling site Verdecasino The money was deposited 4,000 euros and he won and the money became almost eight thousand euros, but unfortunately, the sports on the site blocked his account to verify the payments, and this is not fair or unfair. It is true that the account is blocked after it is confirmed that he has his money in his account and they did not send it to him, and they tell him to wait so that we can verify the payments that entered your account. For the record, he sent them all the supporting documents that the money was paid from his bank account. Is there anyone who can help him?

Can you please delete my account?


Hello and thank you for your post. I can understand that this must a very unpleasant situation for your client. To help your client, though, there is only one way here, and in order with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), there is no other way. He/she has to submit a complaint with our team here in Casino Guru. The complaint is free of charge and here, in this guide 👈, you will find all the useful information about the process, which can be really helpful to your client. To submit a complaint, he/she just needs to click/tap on this link, please.

I hope this will answer your question and will help your client.

Jeg har et problem med det grønne rod, da jeg nu har mistet tålmodigheden, jeg vil gerne skrive et indlæg om det.

Jeg har forsøgt at trække mig tilbage i flere måneder, og de fortæller mig, at KYC-bekræftelsen er nødvendig, jeg sender dokumenterne, de fortæller mig, at jeg skal vente på bekræftelsen, dagene går, og jeg spiller tilbagetrækningen igen, og det ender sådan her... men i dag vil jeg ikke tabe penge mere, så jeg hæver 300 euro, og jeg falder i kyc-bekræftelsen igen, at jeg vil have dokumenter osv.. Jeg sender dokumenterne igen, jeg venter og de fortæller mig, at de gør' t opfylde kravene. Jeg sender dokumenterne tilbage, som de fortæller mig, og de får mig til at vente. Nu har jeg mistet tålmodigheden, og jeg vil ikke vente længere.. Jeg vil have, at min hævning og dokumenter, jeg har sendt, er personlige og tydeligt synlige, så der er ikke flere undskyldninger for ikke at fortsætte med bekræftelsen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, according to what I've read the main problem why you can't withdraw is the verification of your account. Have you been informed what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account? First you will need to successfully pass it to be able to withdraw money. But I guess if it's been going on for two months, that's a long time. 

I also noticed that you have filed a complaint, which I think was the right thing to do, so our team will try to help you. 

I hope it will be successful and you will be able to verify and withdraw. If you have any new information about your case, please let me know.


Jeg har lige skrevet til casinoets kundesupport, og de fortalte mig, at de lige har tjekket min konto, og vi vil se, hvordan udbetalingen går, jeg holder dig opdateret

Automatisk oversættelse:

So that means your account has already been successfully verified yes ? Of course now we will wait if the withdrawal is completed or not. I hope you will come with a positive update. 

Fingers crossed. 🤞

Ja, efter jeg skrev til dig, bekræftede de og fortsatte med kontobekræftelsen. Jeg venter stadig på, at tilbagetrækningen går igennem.. Jeg holder dig opdateret.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Perfect and thank you.

I'll be waiting then. 🙂

Alle varer ankom i orden.

Jeg takker dig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well done so everything turned out good in the end. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy the win. 🎉😊

Nevertheless, could I ask you to share this information in your complaint and write to Petronela that you have already received the money so that she can close it ? That would certainly be appropriate. 

You can do that here. ⬅️

Anyway, will you continue to play in this casino even if you had troubles here and give it another chance or will you find another one ? 

Im very disappointed on casino guru giving this scam casino such a high grade. Tons of people are having problems getting their money. So do i. Verification still not done after a week, and judging by the TONS and TONS of complaints found on the internet, it wont be for a long time.



You know we are not judging by the tons and tons of complaints found across the internet.

These days, people are used to complaints, but that does not mean they are correct to the last letter, does it?

So, instead, we follow our own principles.

Feel free to browse the Fair Gambling Codex 👈 This methodology is applied to everything we do at Casino Guru.

A reasonable addition would be another transparent guide "Learn About Our Casino Review And Rating Process"


Remains to say that if you have an undisputed issue with this casino, we are ready to handle your concrete complaint. Once the conclusion is reached, an unresolved complaint may affect the current safety index.

As you may see, even this part is covered in the Safety Index 👈


Please do not assume I'm opposing you, my goal is to help you understand we have our way.


Hej, jeg har også indbetalt et par gange på Verde Casino. Jeg kan ikke lide det der. Jeg ønskede at lukke min konto permanent. Jeg skrev en e-mail. Svaret var uden KYC-bekræftelse, det er ikke muligt at lukke min konto. Jeg synes ikke det er okay, hvad kan jeg gøre nu

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey there!

Sorry to say that, but you won't get a reply from a closed account user.

On the contrary, though, decent casinos prefer to verify you before the account is blocked, to prevent you from creating another account in the future, which may result in a multiple account rule breach.

Does it make sense to you, please?

I'm right here if you have questions.

God eftermiddag!

Jeg indsatte 40 euro og fik 352 og anmodede om en hævning, fordi jeg fandt platformen mærkelig..

De siger dog at det kan tage op til 7 dage at hæve via Ethereum?? Tror du det er normalt? i mange andre væddemålshuse, som jeg bruger, hæver jeg på mindre end 2 timer.. Jeg venter på hjælp!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. I do understand your concern, but as Kristina has explained to you in your complaint, we usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payment. So try to be a bit patient here, and let us know whether there's any update regarding your withdrawal.

Vær forsigtig med dette casino, de vil pludselig trække deres bonusser og kampagner tilbage, og du vil kun være i stand til at spille med din rigtige saldo fra da af. Jeg støtter ikke denne type uærlige initiativer uden at give yderligere forklaringer på trods af, at jeg er forpligtet til at acceptere at kunne bruge casinoet.

Forsigtig. Min oplevelse var ubehagelig med dette casino, og jeg har allerede anmodet om at lukke min konto.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, as much as I hate to say it, unfortunately casinos have the right to offer their bonuses only to certain players. Of course, I completely understand that if you like to play with them and suddenly they stop offering them to you because it's an administrative decision, you're not happy about it. 

And therefore they didn't tell you anything why you can't take them anymore ? Is it a dealbreaker for you and you won't play in this casino anymore ? 

Another scammers I encountered on my casino adventure. The game was going very well until I requested a withdrawal. They blocked my account, stole all my money and said they would only refund my deposit.

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