HjemForumCasinoerYonibet Casino – generel debat

Yonibet Casino – generel debat

 af alexdossantos2220
3.561 visninger 22 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Yonibet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Det er ikke en klage, men jeg vil stadig gerne vide din mening et øjeblik.

YoniBet opfordrer uopfordret og proaktivt sine spillere til at installere en VPN for at kunne spille alle spil. Også for at omgå B2B-spiludbydernes begrænsninger, som kasinoet modtog fra B2B-spiludbyderne. YoniBets T&C erklærer, at brugen af en VPN er forbudt, og enhver gevinst, der er opnået ved hjælp af VPN, vil blive konfiskeret.

Er CasinoGuru ok, hvis et kasino aktivt opfordrer deres spillere til at installere en VPN og opfordrer spillere til at deltage i en kriminel og ulovlig aktivitet som følge heraf og overtræde T&C?

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Automatisk oversættelse:


I'd say that I quite understand why the casino recommends using the VPN. They want to keep players by allowing some of them to play games they would normally can't because of the local market restriction. But, and I think we have the same opinion on that, it feels like the casino is not taking its own terms into the consideration. By allowing players to play restricted games, the casino surely risks a good relationship with the game provider, on the other hand, players benefit from this situation.

The most crucial point is that in such case, the casino must not use this against the player (by voiding the winnings collected on the restricted game), that would be totally wrong.

I would recommend taking a screenshot showing the casino suggested using the VPN, just in case the player is accused of breaching the casino's terms by actively using the VPN.

I feel this is not a question about legality, it is a question about fairness.

What do you think?


Er det virkelig kun et spørgsmål om retfærdighed og ikke lovlighed? Kasinoets T&C angiver specifikt, at det er forbudt at bruge en VPN. Og kasinoet opfordrer uopfordret og proaktivt spillere til at adlyde T&C ved at sige, at de skal bruge en VPN.

Gælder T&C kun nøje for spilleren (bonusvilkår, tilbagetrækningsvilkår, verifikationsvilkår osv.), men gælder T&C ikke for casinoet?

Er det virkelig ok for et casino at udnytte en niche på markedet og lade spillere spille spil, som spiludbyderne har forbudt? Det opnår dermed en fordel i forhold til alle andre casinoer, der overholder begrænsningerne og strengt forbyder VPN'en og genererer derfor flere indtægter.

Med andre ord, når et kasino beder en spiller om at bruge en VPN til at eje spil, og spilleren taber penge som følge af at spille. Er dette blot gevinst i forhold til spiludbydere og andre casinoer, der overholder begrænsningerne, eller er det en gevinst som følge af ikke at overholde begrænsningerne og T&C?

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

We are an independent company, we are not lawyers, licensing authorities, or any other regulatory body.

What we deal with is fairness, to discuss legality, turn to the official authorities, please.

Personally, I'd say that casino's terms and conditions are not laws the question of legality lies elsewhere, at least to me.

Ask any official authority and share the response here.

I hereby inform that yonibet and its partner and sister casinos (Altacore N.V.) reject any kind of complaint (regardless of the content). According to its statements, the casino also sees itself not responsible for taking and complying with any measures against gambling addiction. The casino always justifies this with the article from the T&C that the player agreed to when registering:

"By creating your account, you guarantee the following:

- You understand and accept the existing risks of losing your money by using the services of the Website"

So if you want a fair complaints procedure and some player protection, I advise against doing so at Altacore N.V. casinos. to play.


Seems you created a template for that.

good morning, while playing a game, I noticed that there was a bug in the game that "STOLE THE PLAYER", but I don't know how to report this, the game provider's website has no means of contact, and it is not related to the casino pos I tested it on others, how do I report it?


Hey there!

Just a few questions to help me understand:

Where did you play the game if not in a casino?

Did the bug explicitly say: "STOLE THE PLAYER"? That would be highly unusual...

If the game provider does not offer any kind of contact information, it probably doesn't care much about feedback. 🙂

Can you name the provider?


Hello, please provide your email to send more details, thank you, I tried to contact the game provider but never received a response


Hi you can also share with us here on the forum. However, the game provider did not reply to you at all ? The casino has also not addressed the problem you described ? Nothing has changed in all this time ? 


I sent the details to info@casino.guru and radka@casino.guru


If you have any problem or evidence that something is not as it should be, it would be best to open a complaint on this link and provide evidence there. Radka and I are just admins on the forum, so I think with our experts you could learn more.

Forstår ikke, hvordan du kan give Yonibet så høj en vurdering, når de udbetaler overskud mellem 24-48 timer, selvom det kan tage op til en uge! Jeg har vundet nogle penge i går og fik netop nu at vide af Noemi på chattjenesten, at de har få personer i økonomiafdelingen og ikke har tid til at udbetale penge før i næste uge!

At opmuntre folk til ikke at spille på dette casino som et mål for en uges forsinkelse i dagens tider 2023/2024 er fuldstændig uacceptabelt!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm sorry your withdrawal is delayed. I would like to point out that we give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals and since it's a holiday and the casino told you it's understaffed, there's probably nothing that can be done about it. Also, how fast the withdrawal is is not determined by the casino's safety index.

I definitely know it's not pleasant and everyone would like to have the money as soon as possible, but the casino didn't ignore you and told you the situation. Unfortunately, sometimes things like this happen and you have to wait for your money. 😥

If you have a problem later, let us know and we will try to help.


Tak for svaret, men nogle gange vil du prøve at spille på et udenlandsk casino, og i sammenligning med svensk er der en utrolig forskel! Efter reguleringen i 2019 har vi ca. 40-50 casinoer med licens og ALLE betaler profit STRAKS!

Tager max 5 minutter og penge er tom på kontoen i weekenden!

Et casino skal være seriøst, hvis de tager penge ind og ud så hurtigt, alt andet er bare et middelmådigt/budget casino, der fungerer ligesom banker i 90'erne, du køber en aktie ind, afgiver et tilbud og efter en eller to uger får du et brev om, at dine aktier er købt!

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand that if you are used to having your money basically right away at other casinos, this is not pleasant for you. However, what I would recommend in this case is to stick to casinos where you have good experience. Because if you want to try some other casinos, you may also experience similar problems. 

Nevertheless, I would like you to get the money right away, but it is not the case yet and as I said you will have to be patient. If you have any new information be sure to share it. 

I wish you everything will be sorted out as soon as possible. 🙂

Hvad kan jeg sige om dette oprindeligt gode casino, gevinster på over 1000 € med et depositum på 20 €! Jeg var virkelig imponeret, problemet kommer senere!

Slots opførsel fuldstændig manipuleret med, spil afbrydes på en virkelig mærkelig måde! Kasinoets RTP bliver praktisk talt 0% eller deromkring hos langt de fleste udbydere 🤣 Jeg er enig i, at det er et spil med held, men her er noget mere!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, if only such situations were measurable! I recognize your feelings, but this is something I believe is not actually provable, hence, it is sad that we have to call it a matter of luck 🙂. If you catch my meaning,..

Jeg havde et godt første indtryk af Yonibet, KYC var hurtig og tilbagetrækningen overraskede mig positivt, den blev behandlet på omkring 4 timer, men jeg havde spurgt i chatten, hvor lang tid det tager i gennemsnit, og de fortalte mig 24 til 48 timer. Min udbetaling blev foretaget i Cryptocurrency

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