ForumCasinoerIceCasino – generel debat

IceCasino – generel debat (side 24)

2 år siden af nadineanders81
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9 måneder siden

Never heard of it, I'm not sure if it is the provider the one to blame or the casino for the delay (or maybe both). You must have a reference number for that transaction (besides the txid, I mean a reference number provided by the payment provider), maybe you could use that to contact their support and maybe you can find out who is the one responsible for the delay

9 måneder siden

I have everything and the casinos says I need to wait 96 hours , so clearly someone is using my funds for 96 hours and then probably they will release it, I am just asking myself how can a casino that operates that way get a license? And on top of that casino guru gives them a 9.8 rating its beyond ridiculous

9 måneder siden

Dear mtrlucian

We are very sorry about your situation. Unfortunately, this can happen from time to time...and the operator (casino) has got to obey the PSP rules and wait for at least 96 hours in order for us to raise the ticket for investigation towards PSP.

Can you please share your account ID in order to have a closer look?

Thank you in advance!

9 måneder siden


It's just not fair, 96 hours is 5 days like wait for 5 days for a deposit to maybe reach my balance?????

9 måneder siden

Jeg vil rådføre mig med advokaten ifølge bøden, der kan nå 200 gange den lovede værdi af 5 k, lad være med at gå rundt og love alt, hvis de ikke vil opfylde det!!! Og for moralsk skade at sige, at jeg bedrager folk, bortset fra blokeringen for at have faktureret, ved jeg ikke, hvordan jeg skal fortsætte, men vil gerne lyve og få mig til at se forkert ud, se på min sag mod Itaú, hvis jeg tabte, for sidste gang vil jeg fortælle dig, at vi kan forhandle, men snak ikke behandle mig i ond tro, for efter sagen er kommet frem og dommeren fordømmer dig, beder du Gud om at lave en retfærdig aftale

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Hi, could I ask you to confirm that you have received your money in the complaint as well ? Feel free to click on this link and update it

As for the account being blocked, it doesn't look like you have a blocked account from what you posted, but that you can't use the bonuses, which is the difference. That's why the casino is reacting and basically not saying anything that isn't true, because what you're saying is that they blocked your account and that's not the case. 

So in this situation you will probably have to find another casino for the bonuses. I hope that you will do well. 

9 måneder siden

I deposited using crypto usdt trc20 usually it takes 5 min, I waited for 2 hours and the money are still not credited, they are telling me it will take up to 96 hours????? I mean wtf, how is positive for this casino to have a 9.8 rating?

9 måneder siden

Hello, I have read about your problem and the rest of the conversation and I am sorry that such problems occurred. However, I can see that the casino is trying to deal with your situation and I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible. Could you let us know when your deposit is credited and everything is resolved ? Alternatively, if you learn something new, where was the mistake ? 

I will be waiting.

9 måneder siden

Dear mtrlucian

I am being informed that the deposit was credited onto your account.

The delay is most likely caused by the difference in the amount you first initiated and the actual amount at the approval.

Kind regards

9 måneder siden

Ok I wish that was explained to me in the chat, but it wasn't, anyway I have since closed the account and will never use your casino again.

Take care

9 måneder siden

Hello, I have read about your problem and the rest of the conversation and I am sorry that such problems occurred. However, I can see that the casino is trying to deal with your situation and I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible. Could you let us know when your deposit is credited and everything is resolved ? Alternatively, if you learn something new, where was the mistake ? 

I will be waiting.

9 måneder siden

The deposit was credited eventually, they are saying that was the difference between the amount I put in i was going to deposit and the actual deposit,anyway I was off by 2 euros and 20 cent i said I will deposit 40 and the actual deposit was 42.20 or something similar, I wish that was explained to me in the chat but it wasn't, so I decided to close the account with this casino and never use it again, if for deposit it took that long i can only imagine for withdrawal could be months, so therefore I will never again play at their casino

9 måneder siden

Specialist i at snakke sludder???

Eller brug altid et argument for at prøve at have ret, jeg læser dit emne omhandler et andet emne, det er absurd

Delvis begrænsning kkkkkkkkk, med andre ord er der en blok relateret til bonusser hvor enhver bruger kan bruge bonusserne undtagen mig i Portugal det kan kaldes begrænsning her i Brasilien dette er en kontoblokering, faktisk fik jeg en god bonus fra spillet det var det ikke at jeg lærte en metode, så mister de simpelthen kunder for ingenting, men du kan lade det ligge til den dag, de beslutter sig for at betale mig de 5 k for at blokere, og fjerne blokeringen på min konto, jeg fortsætter

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Jeg modtog pengene, efter at jeg spurgte om, at jeg handlede i ond tro, de blokerede min konto og forsinker betalingerne, jeg vil ikke opdatere, for indtil det øjeblik havde jeg ikke modtaget dem, så jeg vil have ret!!

Der er en form for blokering på min konto, der ikke tillader bonusaktivering, hvis det var delvist, ville det bare være noget, jeg er blokeret fra aktivering for enhver bonus, og ice casino lovede, at hvis jeg beviste det, ville de betale mig 5 k, Jeg venter på, at det bliver modtaget af de 5 keo, der låser min konto op uden mi-mi-mi, vær modig til at sige, at du lyver og laver fejl

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden


Se hvor frække disse løgnere er som udnytter, jeg beviser at min konto er blokeret, ingen bonus accepteres og de insisterer på at tale pænt men de lyver, de lovede 5 k, de har snydt mig og de vil ikke betale mig

Her er videoen, der beviser det

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Det er mtrlucian, og min konto blokerede de ud af ingenting, de har altid en undskyldning klar eller opfinder noget, men prioriteringen er at vise årsagen for enhver pris, lad ikke jer narre, for hvis du tjener på, vil de blokere dig, jeg Jeg poster det på alle de kanaler, folk har brug for at vide om deres frække

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Lad os blive enige om følgende, jeg kan spille på min venners konto, selvom du låser den op, så hvad foreslår du? Vil du betale mig de lovede 5 k 2 spil på en vens konto eller 3 vil du låse min konto op?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

To be fair, when paying through a third party, you have to send the exact amount (or some cents above) the required payment, these crypto payment providers usually charge a small fee to us (I don't know how much, but it's really low), plus the network fee you pay when sending the crypto, sending anything less can definitely cause a delay in the crediting of balances. This is why I don't like when you are taken to a third party to handle the payment instead of the casino giving you directly an address to deposit within their site

9 måneder siden

Again: being restricted from bonuses is not being banned completely from a casino, like I said, I got restricted from bonuses in some casinos but my accounts were still active (playable and able to withdraw), if the casino blocks your withdrawals and close your account then that is a blocking. When a casino bans you from bonuses and you think there is no good reason to ban you from bonuses all you do is withdraw and find somewhere else to play because you are not welcome in that casino, this is what I have done, it really is that simple, there are hundreds of casinos out there

9 måneder siden

Lad os blive enige om følgende, jeg kan spille på min venners konto, selvom du låser den op, så hvad foreslår du? Vil du betale mig de lovede 5 k 2 spil på en vens konto eller 3 vil du låse min konto op?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

You can't use someone's account to play on any casino, you will get yourself in trouble, the balances will get voided and the accounts will be completely banned, no casinos allow betting/playing on anyone's behalf. Be careful, don't give casinos reasons to void your funds

9 måneder siden

I sent more than i said i will send, now you don't take out the calculator and convert the usdt to euros,I mean who has time fir that? In any case I will not be using this casino anymore,something is not right.

9 måneder siden

Yes that's true the deposit was credited,

More than 12 hours later, I can only imagine if for the deposit takes that long ,how long would a withdrawal take, I don't know, and don't want to find out

Also the chat is very slow, and they were keep on telling me the same, that the maximum period of waiting time is 96 hours,and my deposit can be credited any time, the briefly explaining was given here in the forums, even though I don't think that's the reason for the deposit being delayed, like I said I was going to deposit 40 euros and my actual deposit was 42.20, now when you deposit you don't take out a calculator and convert the usdt to euros the exact amount so you?,I think that my funds were used by someone for a period of time than credited to my account, now wouldn't that be great someone to give you funds for 12 hours or maybe 96 hours, Imagine is a decent amount too, you can you that money to make more, I really think thats what happened, but they will definitely not be using my funds again .

So to anyone that's thinking to use this casino, think twice before depositing, something doesn't add up......

9 måneder siden

Hej, fortrydelsesfristen er udløbet, og der er ikke sat noget ind på min konto. Jeg sender skærmbilleder af chatten og e-mailen, jeg har modtaget fra dem. Jeg vil bare gerne modtage det, der er rigtigt for mig. Jeg anmodede om udbetalingen, og de godkendte det, og pengene forlod min casinokonto. Der er gået 10 dage og 5 arbejdsdage og intet depositum. Jeg gik ind i dette casino på anbefaling af denne hjemmeside CASINOGURU, og de handler åbenbart ikke ærligt over for mig.


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