HjemForumCasinoerMyStake Casino – generel debat

MyStake Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af Leclair36
101.210 visninger 428 svar |
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Hello, it sounded like a practice from a scam casino that tries to find some stupid excuse for not paying out the winnings, but this casino supposed to be good.

By the way, do you know anything about the 3rd card they require from you? Maybe it belongs to someone in your family? Can you maybe see the history of your deposits in your casino account? Some casinos offer the option to see all your deposits and withdrawals for last X months. Then you could clearly see if there are only the 2 + 4 deposits.


dette er ALLE mine indskud taget fra deres side. Derefter sammenlignede jeg dem med bevægelseslisterne på de to kort, som jeg verificerede, og de svarer til transaktionerne både med beløbet, med datoerne og med tidspunktet. Jeg sendte alt til dem, og de fortsætter, uden at vise noget dokument i modsætning til mig, med at gentage, at jeg brugte dette fantomkort, som jeg IKKE HAR, JEG BRUGER ALDRIG, og frem for alt står det IKKE i mit navn. Blandt andet blev dette uhåndgribelige tredje kort bragt frem under udvekslingen af e-mails.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Disse 4 med det verificerede visa-kort: filefilefilefile

Disse to med det verificerede Mastercard:


Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello daniele1994,

I think this is the right time to submit a complaint and let our team step in.

Just click this link:


In order to help you, we need to fully understand where this 3rd card comes from and see some evidence gained from the casino. MyStake possesses a very good reputation we should be able to clarify the situation by collaboration, hopefully.


Jeg har indgivet en klage, men der er ikke noget, der kan gøres. Jeg beder dem i det mindste om at give mig oplysningerne om denne indbetaling, og de svarer for at ringe til min bank. Jeg sender ham skærmbillederne, hvor du kan se, at de 6 indbetalinger på siden er helt i overensstemmelse med gebyrerne på saldi i min bank, og de fortsætter med at tage mig en tur... .. Jeg tror, de er rigtige svindlere. Aldrig set en kundeservice, hvor jeg forsøger at løse, og de gør ikke ...

Automatisk oversættelse:

And that's why we step in. If the casino decides to ignore the whole complaint or shows little interest in an honest solution, it will be warded by black points.

Just give us some time and we shall see if there is a way.

Hej, jeg vil gerne spørge dig, hvordan kan jeg hæve penge fra mystake.com Casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

I'm sure there is some tab called "withdrawals" or a similar button in your wallet. If you're struggling to find it by yourself, don't hesitate to ask the live chat. Kind note: Do not be surprised if your account verification is triggered, it's a normal process to verify your account in order to accept your withdrawal request.

i won 2100euro yesterday morning, i withdrew it (and it was pending) and i had to do full kyc verification and identity information to withdraw, all passed so i was allowed to withdraw. now i try to log in to mystake today, and my account has been blocked for no reason. there live chat is a joke all they say is contact support@mystake.com which they never reply to emails. how do i get someone to step in and contact these people i want my winnings?


Jeg har det samme problem som dig, de beder mig om at bekræfte hans andre kort, som jeg aldrig har brugt, jeg har 7000 euro på min konto, og de vil ikke lade mig hæve. Har du løst?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nej, jeg har ikke løst!

Automatisk oversættelse:

They never reply to emails? You say you can't log in since this morning so did you have the same experience with the email support before?


Lad mig vide, hvis du har nyheder. for mig nu kommer det ud "du har ikke lov til at foretage tilbagetrækningen"

Automatisk oversættelse:

I actually have been sent my funds now, even thougu i could not contact them. These guys are frauds and i woild not recommend anyone to use them. I had another account with them qnd withdrawals were a nightmare. My last account they refused to pay me out because i deposited with a mastercard, eith i sent them, but they was addimant it was a credit card and the wrong card i was sending them. So i just spun €1000 at €20 spins until it was gone. Then a hour later miraculously theybsaid my card was ok now to deposit and withdraw! Now my new account i deposited €100 and just cashed €2100, check the email they just sent mefile


Yes my last account i had with them was a nightmare replying to emails, this company is definitely dodgy, there location changes every week one week nigeria, next week ghana, and so on. They take your deposits no problem at all. As soon as you try withdraw its a problem

Nej, jeg har ikke løst!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello daniele1994,

Just a kind reminder: please use the "reply" button, otherwise the person you wrote to will not be notified. Thank you 🙂

I'm still interested in whether the casino will provide some evidence of the unknown card. Because it seems that another player was accused of using a different card lately too, but he has been paid already.


did you ever get your money ?



sadly this user did not submit any complaint, so I can't answer your question. Let's hope, he will update us soon.

Do you have any issues in this casino, please?


No i havnt used them yet


Well, the reputation is good, and the Terms and Conditions seem fair, just note that this casino is not licensed in the UK and I did not find any no deposit bonus available, so you can't play without making the deposit. 🤔

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