HjemForumCasinoerMyStake Casino – generel debat

MyStake Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af Leclair36
99.801 visninger 428 svar |
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I'm very sorry to hear about such trouble, sadly Mystake as a casino without the UK license is not part of the GAMSTOP register, hence the casino would not know that your misused credentials are in the register.

I also fear that any refund would solely be on the goodwill of the casino since the casino has not done anything wrong.

For a deeper investigation and further explanation, I can offer you to submit a complaint here on our website. Sadly, I have no other suggestions.


First of all thank you for the support, now I'd like to share you the answer the casino sent me. (I'll paste it here)



Thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the only way to verify your document is via the website.

Please provide a valid proof of address. It should meet the following requirements:

it could be either a utility bill, bank/credit card statement, tax invoice, or another government-issued residential statement/certificate which is no more than 3 months old.

Please note that we don't accept screenshots, mobile phone bills, medical bills, purchase receipts, or insurance statements.

You can use your ID document as proof of address if it contains your home address information. But in this case, you will need to provide another ID document as your proof of identity. You can't use the same document to prove both your address and your identity.

Best Regards,


So, I've got a few questions, I have only one ID document and it shows the residence address but at the same time it is my only ID document how can I verify my residence if every government-issued residential statement I have are not in my name (I live with my parents) and also how could I l send them the documentation without taking photos? should I scan the documents? Maybe I can use the bank/credit card statement for the residence address verification? but I don't really know what it means for it.

Sorry for the messy text but I really don't want to get it wrong this time.

I look forward for your response and thank you so much for your time.


no problem with the questions, but I'd say that next time you should ask for the verification the moment you register in the casino, to avoid problems with the withdrawal in case you win. If you can't provide any utility bills, then you may have a problem. What the casino sent to you, is truly a common practice, I'm afraid.

I guess that you have to explain the situation to the casino and reach some deal about the documents.

Furthermore, usually, only .pdf format is allowed, because cropped pictures and photos can be manipulated.

So, you have to provide official statements such as bank statements created by your bank and provided in the proper format. - at the moment, to me this one sounds like your only option.

I feel that you could use more insights about the verification to avoid future trouble, so please, consider undergoing this free course: https://casino.guru/academy/course/igaming-player-verification

Let me know what you made up with the casino, please 👍

Hej, jeg indsatte €20 på mystake-siden, men ved en fejl aktiverede jeg en bonus, jeg ikke ønskede (fra den bonus havde jeg tjent €1,60), jeg kontaktede support og sagde, at jeg ville fjerne den, men de fjernede både bonussen og indbetal 20€, jeg havde lavet, resterende på 0€.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, I feel that you should try to clarify the problem with the casino. That would be the easiest way at the moment.

Feel free to paste here associated communication - preferably in English.

Will wait for an update.


hello this was the answer:

hello, unfortunately it was not explained to me that if I canceled the bonus, the money deposited would also be taken away from me. I kindly ask if you could put the €20 I deposited back into the mystake account


I'm sorry, is this the casino's reply or are you repeating the previous information?

Did you ask the casino to explain the issue, please? I feel that you unintentionally took some bonus, but also you played with it already. Am I correct?

If you know that you gained €1,60 from that bonus to me it seems that you like to cancel the bonus simply because you did not win more from it.

Though I'm just guessing. 🤔

Ask the casino for an explanation, and let me know, please.

Redigeret af forfatter

Not sure if anyone has this problem.

I joined mystake.com a while ago and haven’t had any issues with withdrawing money. I use a debit card to deposit and the same to withdraw. (Never a credit card)

recently I have an amount of 1200 to withdraw. By using the sepabank transfer as I don’t have any crypto accounts. I did the same thing as I always do but it got rejected. I did it again and it got rejected.

I got a message from them saying saying that I need to send a verification of the "credit card" I’ve used. Again it’s not a credit card.

they also said to send a picture of the front and back of my card. They want the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number along with the expiry date and the rest of the numbers can covered with tape.

is this normal ? To me it’s not. As previously I’ve been able to withdraw small amounts with no problems. I don’t want to send any pictures of my details even if some of it is covered.

Has anyone had this with Mystake and have they sent a picture? If it’s not been an issue before why is it now?





this is normal.

Sadly, sometimes casinos fail to understand that if the card is just a virtual card meant for internet payments mainly, mostly you are not able to make a picture.

I hope this is not the case, though. If you are uncomfortable sending such a picture, don't do that, and ask the casino for a different withdrawal option - if possible.

Let me know how it goes. 🤞

Bookmakeren er en svindler! Hvis du vinder, bliver din konto blokeret uden forklaring! SPIL IKKE PÅ DETTE CASINO!!! BRUGERNE BLOKKERER OG BLOKKER OM DETTE AT SIGT, AT DU IKKE VIL GØRE NOGET!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I had the same problem when they say credit card they mean debit card that you have been using to make deposits. I had to send them mine and within 24hrs I got my withdrawal processed within 24hrd

Bookmakeren er en svindler! Hvis du vinder, bliver din konto blokeret uden forklaring! SPIL IKKE PÅ DETTE CASINO!!! BRUGERNE BLOKKERER OG BLOKKER OM DETTE AT SIGT, AT DU IKKE VIL GØRE NOGET!

Brugte en 170% indbetalingsbonus

Jeg spillede automatisk roulette i slots, det var ikke forbudt i væddemålsreglerne, alle betingelser er at sætte ikke mere end 5 dollars. Jeg genopfyldte min konto med $20 og tog bonussen, gik ind i roulette og satsede lige/ingen for $5 (bare at spille), og jeg var heldig, jeg vandt bonussen tilbage og endte med et plus på $100 på min saldo. Yderligere slipper verifikation mig ikke igennem, selvom jeg indlæste alt korrekt, og så er kontoen fuldstændig blokeret. Til et forsøg på at finde ud af årsagerne er svaret - Vi har netop besluttet, at vi har ret.

Jeg har én konto

Brækkede ikke noget

Jeg benyttede mig af den tilbudte indbetalingsbonus ærligt og efter reglerne

Spil aldrig under nogen omstændigheder på denne ressource. Hvis du vinder, vil de bare blokere dig, og du vil ikke engang vide hvorfor, for de ville bare.. det værste casino, jeg har mødt i 10 år.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I had a withdrawal for €1900 which I won on a slot zI had to verify my debit card again and I got the money back in my account in 24hrs. Submit a complaint here and see if they can resolve your issue

Bookmakeren er en svindler! Hvis du vinder, bliver din konto blokeret uden forklaring! SPIL IKKE PÅ DETTE CASINO!!! BRUGERNE BLOKKERER OG BLOKKER OM DETTE AT SIGT, AT DU IKKE VIL GØRE NOGET!

Automatisk oversættelse:


there are many reasons for blocking the player's account. Among the most usual and not particularly bad ones count the verification, of financial checks.

Of course, it would be nice to know what is happening, but from what I see, sometimes the account gets blocked first, like automatically.

What was the last interaction you did with your account? Withdrawal maybe?

It could help us find the reason.

Bookmakeren er en svindler! Hvis du vinder, bliver din konto blokeret uden forklaring! SPIL IKKE PÅ DETTE CASINO!!! BRUGERNE BLOKKERER OG BLOKKER OM DETTE AT SIGT, AT DU IKKE VIL GØRE NOGET!

Brugte en 170% indbetalingsbonus

Jeg spillede automatisk roulette i slots, det var ikke forbudt i væddemålsreglerne, alle betingelser er at sætte ikke mere end 5 dollars. Jeg genopfyldte min konto med $20 og tog bonussen, gik ind i roulette og satsede lige/ingen for $5 (bare at spille), og jeg var heldig, jeg vandt bonussen tilbage og endte med et plus på $100 på min saldo. Yderligere slipper verifikation mig ikke igennem, selvom jeg indlæste alt korrekt, og så er kontoen fuldstændig blokeret. Til et forsøg på at finde ud af årsagerne er svaret - Vi har netop besluttet, at vi har ret.

Jeg har én konto

Brækkede ikke noget

Jeg benyttede mig af den tilbudte indbetalingsbonus ærligt og efter reglerne

Spil aldrig under nogen omstændigheder på denne ressource. Hvis du vinder, vil de bare blokere dig, og du vil ikke engang vide hvorfor, for de ville bare.. det værste casino, jeg har mødt i 10 år.

Automatisk oversættelse:


So, we have the explanation. I would say that the account is blocked because of the ongoing check, probably triggered by verification. Anyway, have you received any confirmation saying the account is verified?

I guess you should just calm down and give it some time. The casino is most likely checking your gaming history, bonus policy, and so on. If I understand correctly the casino has not raised any accusation or informed you that you possibly breached any rules, right?

I had a withdrawal for €1900 which I won on a slot zI had to verify my debit card again and I got the money back in my account in 24hrs. Submit a complaint here and see if they can resolve your issue

That's a good suggestion, just mind that we allow casinos 14 full days to check the account, and gaming history, KYC - in order to send the winnings. If an additional check is triggered, we give the casino a chance to investigate further if necessary.

Redigeret af forfatter

Hej, godt, jeg leder efter hjælp til at annullere en bonuskode, som jeg aktiverede ved en fejl

Automatisk oversættelse:

Go on live chat and ask them to cancel it as you activated it by mistake as long as you haven't played with it you should be OK

Someone used the Skrill account when create account?

Jeg begyndte at spille i dag. Jeg har trukket €150 for at teste, om de betaler eller ej.

Bekræft kontoen før indbetaling.

Nu kan jeg se, at de har returneret €150 til min spilkonto, fordi jeg skal sende et billede af Visa.

Mit spørgsmål er: hvorfor beder de ikke om Visa-billedet uden at returnere pengene til spilkontoen? Og når de først ringer, behandler de tilbagetrækningen.

Nu skal du anmode om €150 igen, hvis de bekræfter kortet, og dette kaldes "start forfra"

Jeg forestiller mig, at de gør det for at spare tid og dermed tager tid at betale.

Dårligt casino synes jeg det er, det der sker er at Guru siger at det er et godt casino og det er derfor jeg spillede i dag for første gang.

Hvis jeg samler de 150, vil jeg fortælle dig

Automatisk oversættelse:

En anden vigtig ting: de sender ikke e-mails fra kyc, der beder om noget

Så du skal ind på nettet hvert øjeblik for at se, om de behandler tilbagetrækningen eller ikke har behandlet den

Det er totalt uretfærdigt

Automatisk oversættelse:
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