2 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Typisk rabidi scam casino RTP er så lav, at det ikke har noget at gøre med held eller ulykke. Snyd for mig
Typical rabidi scam casino RTP is so low that it has nothing to do with luck or misfortune. Cheating for me
Typisches rabidi Betrugs casino RTP ist so niedrig das dies mit Glück oder Unglück nichts zu tun hat. Für mich Betrug
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![SG Casino](https://static.casino.guru/pict/398198/5723_500x250_dark2.png?timestamp=1675659295000&imageDataId=450389&height=116)
SG Casino
1 år siden
Kære XXX1234
Tak fordi du tog dig tid til at give din feedback om vores online casino. Vi forstår, at vores spillere har høje forventninger, og vi er forpligtet til at levere en fair og fornøjelig spiloplevelse.
Vi vil gerne forsikre dig om, at vores moderselskab, Rabidi NV, er en velrenommeret og veletableret virksomhed i online spilindustrien. Rabidi NV ejer og driver adskillige succesrige casino- og sportsbrands, og vi er stolte af at være en del af dette netværk.
Med hensyn til det problem, du nævnte om lav RTP, forsikrer vi dig om, at alle vores spil er testet og certificeret for retfærdighed og tilfældighed af uafhængige tredjepartsrevisorer. RTP, eller return to player, er et industristandardmål for den forventede udbetaling for et bestemt spil over tid. Selvom det er rigtigt, at resultatet af individuelle sessioner kan variere på grund af spillenes tilfældige karakter, bør RTP'en over en lang periode være tæt på den offentliggjorte rate.
Vi tager al spillerfeedback seriøst, og vi opfordrer dig til at kontakte vores kundesupportteam på support@sgcasino.com for at diskutere eventuelle specifikke bekymringer, du måtte have. Vi er forpligtet til at levere det højeste niveau af service til vores spillere, og vi håber, at du vil give os endnu en chance for at vise dig kvaliteten af vores spil og tjenester.
Endnu en gang tak for din feedback, og vi ser frem til muligheden for at tjene dig bedre i fremtiden.
Med venlig hilsen,
SG Casino Support Team
Tak fordi du tog dig tid til at give din feedback om vores online casino. Vi forstår, at vores spillere har høje forventninger, og vi er forpligtet til at levere en fair og fornøjelig spiloplevelse.
Vi vil gerne forsikre dig om, at vores moderselskab, Rabidi NV, er en velrenommeret og veletableret virksomhed i online spilindustrien. Rabidi NV ejer og driver adskillige succesrige casino- og sportsbrands, og vi er stolte af at være en del af dette netværk.
Med hensyn til det problem, du nævnte om lav RTP, forsikrer vi dig om, at alle vores spil er testet og certificeret for retfærdighed og tilfældighed af uafhængige tredjepartsrevisorer. RTP, eller return to player, er et industristandardmål for den forventede udbetaling for et bestemt spil over tid. Selvom det er rigtigt, at resultatet af individuelle sessioner kan variere på grund af spillenes tilfældige karakter, bør RTP'en over en lang periode være tæt på den offentliggjorte rate.
Vi tager al spillerfeedback seriøst, og vi opfordrer dig til at kontakte vores kundesupportteam på support@sgcasino.com for at diskutere eventuelle specifikke bekymringer, du måtte have. Vi er forpligtet til at levere det højeste niveau af service til vores spillere, og vi håber, at du vil give os endnu en chance for at vise dig kvaliteten af vores spil og tjenester.
Endnu en gang tak for din feedback, og vi ser frem til muligheden for at tjene dig bedre i fremtiden.
Med venlig hilsen,
SG Casino Support Team
Dear XxX1234
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback about our online casino. We understand that our players have high expectations, and we are committed to providing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.
We would like to assure you that our parent company, Rabidi NV, is a reputable and well-established company in the online gaming industry. Rabidi NV owns and operates several successful casino and sports online brands, and we are proud to be a part of this network.
Regarding the issue you mentioned about low RTP, we assure you that all our games are tested and certified for fairness and randomness by independent third-party auditors. RTP, or return to player, is an industry-standard measure of the expected payout for a particular game over time. While it is true that the outcome of individual sessions can vary due to the random nature of the games, over a long period of time, the RTP should be close to the published rate.
We take all player feedback seriously, and we encourage you to contact our customer support team at support@sgcasino.com to discuss any specific concerns you may have. We are committed to providing the highest level of service to our players, and we hope that you will give us another chance to show you the quality of our games and services.
Thank you again for your feedback, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you better in the future.
Best regards,
The SG Casino Support Team
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback about our online casino. We understand that our players have high expectations, and we are committed to providing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.
We would like to assure you that our parent company, Rabidi NV, is a reputable and well-established company in the online gaming industry. Rabidi NV owns and operates several successful casino and sports online brands, and we are proud to be a part of this network.
Regarding the issue you mentioned about low RTP, we assure you that all our games are tested and certified for fairness and randomness by independent third-party auditors. RTP, or return to player, is an industry-standard measure of the expected payout for a particular game over time. While it is true that the outcome of individual sessions can vary due to the random nature of the games, over a long period of time, the RTP should be close to the published rate.
We take all player feedback seriously, and we encourage you to contact our customer support team at support@sgcasino.com to discuss any specific concerns you may have. We are committed to providing the highest level of service to our players, and we hope that you will give us another chance to show you the quality of our games and services.
Thank you again for your feedback, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you better in the future.
Best regards,
The SG Casino Support Team