Anmeldelser fra fofo7788

Casino Guru

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2 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
another fraudulent casino with a perfect reputation here, from non-deposit bonus I won over $ 1000 and as a rule I can withdraw a maximum of $ 100 so they took the rest from me and left 100 in the account that has been sitting there for over 1 year, asked for 7 point verification, with documents filled in with an electronic signature, with which they can commit crimes on my behalf and it is illegal to ask me for such documents, and I would never give them. I sent them pictures on ID and VISA and they refused to examine my documents how such casinos have a perfect casino reputation I wonder
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  • no positives
  • no variety of games, bad attitude of support, do not verify accounts and refuse to pay
DomGame Casino
2 år siden
Thank you for your review!
While playing with the no deposit code, the player shall place at least one deposit to verify the account in the system. We can proceed with the documentation check only once a successful deposit is placed in order to verify your deposit method. All the documents which are required for verification of your account are stated in T&C of the casino, to which you agreed upon creation of gaming account. These are the common pack of documents which are required to verify the billing information to ensure that the payment is going to reach proper recipient. As per Company’s Privacy Policy we do not disclose any of your personal information and ensure it’s 100% secure.
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
forfærdeligt casino, super uretfærdige regler, efter at jeg indbetalte og tog bonussen for 1. indbetaling viste det sig, at de fleste spil ikke deltager i bonusspillet, og mine muligheder blev meget begrænsede, efter timers spil formåede jeg på en eller anden måde at opfylde bonus betingelse og jeg havde lille fortjeneste og så kom en ny chokerende regel-jeg kan kun hæve mit indskud, så nægtede jeg at give mig og FS fra velkomstpakken-forfærdelige casino, 2 gange lukkede jeg min konto der-desværre læste jeg ikke anmeldelserne før jeg spillede der, og jeg blev snydt af det meget gode ry - du spiller ikke i dette casino
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  • super unfair bonusregler
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
by typing in google 1XSLOT and pages appear in which dissatisfied customers complain about the bad algorithm on the site. I have been a customer for 2 years and lost almost all deposits there until the last two - there I go. On the first I had 2 withdrawals, and on the second I had quick balance boost, but when I tried to withdraw money-surprise-my withdrawal was refused by an operator. I contacted the live support to ask why-they answered me-I do not know, I will send to the relevant authorities to see why and will We will write to you soon. In a few hours I made 5 attempts to withdraw money and all of them were refused in the same way. After 2-3 days I was told that the bank refused the transfer for reached limits, which is strange because I paid for higher limits and I am far from them, even more so - I have transactions during and after these withdrawal attempts, I went to the bank - they also said that they did not refuse anything, I asked the support for proof that the bank refused transfer - they said that they do not give such information, etc. the rest of the things I will say more-1Xslot refused me payment and did not give me a good reason
The support did a great job for you - you refused to pay me and you are trying to cover it up, and with all my impudence you want to give me personal data after I told you categorically that I will no longer play with you, I asked you to close my account and delete my personal data - and you refused me that
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1xSlots Casino
3 år siden
Good day, fofo7788

Our support did a brilliant job to assist you I think. You need to confirm the second card or repeat the transaction to the first one a bit later. Please follow their advice, I am pretty sure they shall be an assistance.
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Bulgarsk casino, hvis du vil tabe penge - her er stedet
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
hvis du vil tabe penge - her er stedet. del af hele kredsen af bulgarske mafia kasinoer
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
spil aldrig i dette casino, super svindel, det er ejet af den største bulgarske gangster, der laver lovene, og du har ingen chance. Hans er 7777 casino, som blev fanget i et megasvindel med embedsmænd og blev lukket, og nu åbner 8888 - en komplet parodi
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
I am extremely impressed with the casino, for the first time in my life. The casino has easy navigation, a huge number of providers and games, nice welcome bonuses, VIP program, very good support, and after I won a small amount-withdrawal not only was it approved very quickly, but to my great surprise my money was in the bank account immediately, and on Sunday. These are my first impressions of this casino and I hope these impressions will remain. However, if the impressions change I will write a new review. I wish everyone the best of luck
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