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Casino Guru

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7 måneder sidenOriginalOversættelse
God oplevelse.
Jeg tog velkomstbonussen og kunne opleve udbetalingen.
Godkendelsen af dokumenterne tog lidt tid. Efter validering blev betalingen sendt med det samme.
Jeg kunne godt lide ergonomien på siden, spillene er nemme at finde.
En fejl er, at jeg under bonus ikke kunne finde listen over forbudte spil, du skal sætte siden på engelsk.
Men jeg ved ikke, om det kun er for bonusser med indsats, for på engelsk er det ikke de samme bonusser, der tilbydes. Min var uden indsats.
Jeg prøver igen med et lille depositum.
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • godt udvalg af spil
  • mange leverandører
  • Dokumentvalidering lidt langsom
Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder sidenOriginalOversættelse
I strongly advise against this casino!
It's rare that I recommend against it but this is one of them!
he in no way deserves his rating on Guru!
Very bad experience with them.
I had never won anything with them, but I played there a few times.
I managed to increase my balance to 650e with a small deposit and 150% bonus that they had offered me.
I decide to request the withdrawal of my winnings. I send the KYC which is validated.
I request the withdrawal and receive an email after several days of waiting, which informs me that I have played a bet above the authorized bet with a bonus.
I never bet above 1.20e, bonus or not!
I ask them the history of this bet. No answer!
I get help from a forum (very well known in my country), which also sends them an email to get this history ! They didn't respond either.
We sent them several emails to get this proof, which is normal! I never received any response.
Simply because they don't have this proof, since it doesn't exist!

So I requested that my account be closed.
In addition, I noticed that no games prohibited under bonuses were blocked. While they have a long list of banned games.

Casino to ban! who does not hesitate to lie so as not to send you your winnings.
Be careful when you deposit at this style of casino
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  • Nothing
  • Long list of banned games
  • lie to avoid paying your winnings
  • games prohibited under bonus, are not blocked
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
I was very surprised to see that under bonuses, the games that are blocked are not at all those listed in their CGU. There are a lot of games blocked, it's simple on certain providers there were almost no games available.
If you want to play, don't take bonuses, their CGU are distorted for bonuses.
You'll end up with very, very few games that won't be blocked.
Sorry I didn't like it
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  • Nothing
  • A lot of games blocked with bonus
  • the list of blocked games announced in the T&Cs is false
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
A pleasant casino, lots of providers, lots of bonus offers, very smooth. But I don't know why, I never managed to earn a single cent in this one. As soon as I play, the scale goes very very quickly.
While at the same time I'm going to play elsewhere and win.
No matter how hard I try, nothing happens.
or is it really bad luck every time I come across cold games with them, or...?
Aside from the fact that it doesn't bring me anything at all, nor any fun moments, it's a pretty well designed casino
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  • Lots of providers
  • Lots bonus
  • Good designed casino
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
I like playing at this casino. Lots of welcome bonuses. Lots of games and providers. Customer service is responsive and will help you. prohibited games with automatically blocked bonuses
The only negative point which is really a shame is the conditions of their bonuses. Few casinos have so many restrictions on bonuses.
they feature a very big wager + restriction on withdrawals! it is enormous.
They also have smaller wagers but less interesting.
Same for the FP offered. huge wager on the FP which are already limited to 50€ withdrawal!
I have never seen a casino with so many restrictions on bonuses and FP. I think when there is a wager, the withdrawal should be unlimited.
It is better not to take any bonus at this casino and not to take the FP offered.
It's a shame because that's really their negative point.

I am editing because they have other x20 bets that I have retained.
For others, the restrictions remain far too heavy.
I just learned that they are closing?? Why ?
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Lot bonus
  • Lot games and providers
  • Customer service is responsive
  • prohibited games with automatically blocked bonuses
  • pretty quick payment
  • Conditions bonus
  • Restrictions on bonus. big wager and restriction on withdrawals
  • Huge wager on the FP offered and limited to 50€ withdrawal
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
God aften.
Når jeg ser kommentarerne, forstår jeg det problem, som jeg også støder på...
De sendte mig en annonce med nummer 13 ved registrering, som jeg accepterede. Med disse 13. fik jeg en 185. plads.
Jeg lavede en lille indbetaling på 10. for at kunne foretage udbetalingen.
Og få mine dokumenter valideret. Da jeg var færdig, anmodede jeg om tilbagetrækning.
Kun non-stop min tilbagetrækning annulleres hver dag. Og uden begrundelse. Jeg sendte 2 mails, som forblev ubesvarede. Så jeg endte med at kontakte katten.
Den første person fortalte mig, at det var fordi dokumenterne ikke var verificeret endnu. Alligevel blev den markeret som "valideret". Så fortalte han mig, at det var okay, at jeg kunne anmode om tilbagetrækningen igen, at jeg ville modtage den. Et par timer senere kigger jeg på min konto, tilbagetrækning annulleret igen...
Jeg anmoder om en tilbagetrækning igen og kontakter chatten igen. Denne gang fortæller personen mig, at det er fordi de har brug for yderligere oplysninger. De beder mig give dem personlige oplysninger. Hvad jeg gør. Så får jeg at vide, at det er okay, jeg vil modtage gevinsten. Her er jeg.. mere end en uge er gået.
Hvis de bliver annulleret igen, vil jeg indgive en klage. Hvis de accepteres og sendes med det samme, vil jeg revurdere min kommentar og vurderingen. Jeg kan ikke sige gode ting om dette casino i øjeblikket baseret på min nuværende oplevelse.

edit: betalingen blev modtaget mere end 3 måneder senere!
det blev annulleret hele tiden, efter at have talt med mig om manglende information (hvilket teknisk de allerede havde og valideret konto), så var det et problem.
Derefter kryptovedligeholdelse.
Og så igen et teknisk problem med krypto..
Alt dette for en lille hævning på €100.
Det er derfor indlysende, at jeg aldrig har gentaget oplevelsen i dette casino, hvilket jeg selvfølgelig ikke anbefaler.
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Svar via chat. Også selvom den nogle gange er lidt lang
  • Intet svar på mail
  • Meget meget lang tilbagetrækningstid
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
I like versus casinos, this one is the exception!
Very bad experience with this casino.
On my first deposit, while playing, at 0.20 cts, there was a bug and I found myself playing a $40 spin! I hadn't touched anything!
I was also a bonus. So I went to see them in the chat to tell them. Anyway, I had almost nothing left. So I lost my first deposit because of this problem.
I nevertheless decide to make a deposit again with the 2nd bonus.
Every time I play at a new casino, I read the terms and conditions carefully.
And then I go into the chat, make sure of the details. Which I did with this one.
Before my first deposit I read the T&Cs, I went into the chat to ask them if the games prohibited under the bonuses were automatically blocked. Because I no longer want to play in casinos where they are not automatically blocked.
The support response: "yes the games are blocked automatically, you don't have to worry about it".
I'm going to check the T&C for the list of banned games to make sure that the ones I like to play aren't all blocked, because I play a lot of megaways.
Very few games I play were banned.
During my 2nd deposit, just like the first, I start playing several megaways.
Then looking at the games, I realize that no game is blocked anymore. I think it's a bug. I'll tell them in the chat.
The agent also notices that this is not normal. he asks me to try a banned game for verification, I ask him to name one, he tells me "any megaways, all megaways are prohibited".
From there I realize that not only were the games no longer blocked but they had also changed the list of prohibited games, which was not there even the day before!
they added "all megaways" to the list.
The same day I made a nice win on a megaways!
Anyway, I sent them an email for explanations. Not only did I get no explanation, but even worse, they lied to me.
And obviously my victory was canceled.
So be very careful with this casino, they can, at their discretion, unblock all games and change the list of blocked games while you play! if you have made a gain in the meantime on a game, it will be canceled! It's a scam! I had never seen such a thing before!
I asked for my account to be closed because I would never set foot there again! of course they didn't close my account!
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Banned games with bonus unblock
  • Changed the list of banned games
  • Scam
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Deres velkomstbonus er fantastisk! Jeg tog velkomstbonussen. Hvilket er uden begrænsninger, ingen indsats, ubegrænset tilbagetrækning, ret sjældent. Ingen spil forbudt. Kort sagt, ingen stress, når du tager en bonus, hvilket ødelægger det sjove i mange andre casinoer. Jeg var i chatten for at finde ud af, agent opmærksom, respektfuld og præcis. Og hvem skriver på dit sprog! For der er ikke noget, der irriterer mig mere end en agent, der beder dig om at skrive på deres sprog, og sender dig et oversætterlink... Hvorfor bruger de ikke selv denne oversætter? Han er agenten, de skal selv oversætte, da de arbejder på en international chat. I 2023 er det slet ikke professionelt at ikke kunne installere en automatisk oversætter, som giver dig mulighed for at forstå klienten, mens du fortsætter med at skrive på dit eget sprog! For mig har disse agenter intet at gøre i en international chat.. så jeg sætter pris på, når et kasino har professionelle agenter som dette.
Jeg kunne ikke tale om hastigheden af udbetalingerne, jeg tjente ingen penge der. Jeg ved ikke, om det var et dårligt tidspunkt, men alle de vundne bonusser var under €10.
De har en god liste over leverandører. Spil og udbydere er nemme at finde.
Kort sagt, jeg nød at spille det, selvom det var ret kort på grund af uheld.
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • En hel del leverandører
  • Ergonomi af webstedet
  • Respektfuld og opmærksom kat
  • Meget god bonus (ingen indsats, ingen maksimal udbetaling)
  • At der ikke er nogen velkomstpakke (flere bonusser)
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
Bad experience on this one.
I made 2 deposits at this casino by taking the welcome pack, which includes 5 deposits!
Their site bugs a lot, we have to restart the games very often. Some games are unplayable.
Being committed to the welcome bonus, I made a 3rd deposit. Only, as this site bugs all the time, the bonus was not put with my deposit. I went to the chat to ask them to put it on me. They kept me waiting and waiting to log out of the chat, no explanation, nothing. And so on 5 times! As soon as I exposed the problem, I was disconnected! I ended up sending an email.
I was hired on the welcome pack! no reason, you don't get your bonus. On top of that, they offer bonuses on request to forum administrators, to make sure they will speak well for them... isn't this a very fraudulent process??
I won on my first 2 deposits, it is not because we win that we will say that a casino is top, if it is not the case (as I read here, more below...).
So I'm waiting for my deposit to be refunded.
I won't play it again until I get my money back, or until the bonus is added to my deposit!
Because I call it misleading advertising in this case!
Also I couldn't find the RTP on the games checked.
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Nombreux fournisseurs
  • Chat qui vous déconnecte si vous avez un problème au lieu de vous aider.
  • Jeux qui bug sans arrêt
  • Publicité trompeuse sur les bonus
1 år sidenOriginalOversættelse
I change my rating for the better.
I actually had a bad experience with them, when I signed up, on the bonuses. Because after the welcome bonuses, I took a weekend bonus. Because of that they canceled my win (although I didn't need the bonus to do them) and furthermore they banned me from bonuses from now on. Very hard as a decision!
Where other casinos would just withdraw the bonus knowing that I hadn't used it for my winnings. And that was just a misunderstanding. While I hadn't understood that we couldn't take any more after the welcome one, as long as we hadn't made a clean deposit. Their story of 7 days confused me. Hard! canceling my winnings was already hard enough to swallow, in addition to telling me that I would no longer have the right to take bonuses otherwise all winnings will be cancelled. However I change my note, because they still have a very fast withdrawal service. The support is very responsive and they offer free spins from time to time. And accept VPN.
It's just those handling email responses that are very hard. And email responses are long. While they are very quick by chat.
Nevertheless they have a lot of game provider.
I'll see later how it goes...
Læs mereLæs mindre
  • Nombreux jeux
  • VPN accepté
  • Chat réactif
  • Paiement rapide
  • Ne surtout pas prendre de bonus chez eux
  • Termes et condition de bonus mauvaise
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