HjemOnline casinoerParty Casino – Anmeldelse
Party Casino – Anmeldelse

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ElectraWorks Limited
> 100.000.000 kr.
  • Danmark (Spillemyndigheden)

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Party Casino – Anmeldelse

Efter en tilbundsgående evaluering af Party Casino har vi givet det et særdeles højt sikkerhedsindeks. Det er den bedste rating, vi kan give et casino. I vores anmeldelse vurderer vi casinoets klagesager, estimerede omsætning, licens, spilkvalitet, kundeservice, vilkår og betingelser, udbetalings- og gevinstgrænser samt en lang række andre faktorer. Party Casino er relateret til nedenstående online casinoer, og det påvirker ratingen. Læs hele anmeldelsen nedenfor, og bliv klogere på casinoet.

Ifølge vores research og estimater er Party Casino et af de største online casinoer på markedet. Casinoet har en enorm omsætning og et kolossalt antal spillere. Et casinos omsætning er værd at holde øje med, fordi de større casinoer sædvanligvis ikke har nogen problemer med at udbetale større beløb, mens de mindre casinoer kan løbe ind i likviditetsproblemer, hvis du vinder den store gevinst.

Vores database indeholder p.t. 14 konkrete klager over casinoet og 18 klager over casinoer, der er relateret til det. Klagerne har i alt udløst 8.221 sorte point til casinoet. 896 af pointene kan henføres til relaterede casinoer. Du kan læse mere om klagerne og de sorte point under "Hvad er sikkerhedsindeks?".

Ud fra alle oplysninger i anmeldelsen og casinoets særdeles høje sikkerhedsindeks kan vi endegyldigt konkludere, at Party Casino er et fremragende sted at spille. Hvis du leder efter det perfekte online casino, kan vi kun anbefale, at du kigger i denne retning.


Video poker
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Ingen baccarat
Ingen livespil
Ingen poker
Ingen craps
Ingen keno
Ingen skrabespil
Ingen eSportsbetting
Ingen Crash-spil


Website på Dansk
Kundeservice på Dansk
Live chat på Dansk


  • NetEnt
  • Apricot (Microgaming)
  • Play'n GO
  • Blueprint Gaming
  • IGT
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Thunderkick
  • Amaya


  • Over gennemsnitlig tilbagetrækningsgrænse


  • Ingen spil med live dealer

Interessante fakta

  • Lokal version af populært internationalt casino
  • Registrering med CPR-nummer
Forfatter og garant: Matej Novota Senest opdateret: 23.06.2020 Er der noget, der er forkert eller mangler? Giv os besked
Brugeranmeldelser (70)

Brugeranmeldelser af Party Casino

Her kan du dele dine oplevelser med Party Casino. Læs, hvad andre spillere skriver om det, og skriv din egen anmeldelse af casinoets positive og negative sider ud fra din personlige erfaring.

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Ratet af 70 brugere

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Casino Guru

Vi giver spillere indsigt i gambling.

• 3 måneder siden
PartyCasino offers a mixed experience for players, with several positives and notable areas for improvement. Here's a breakdown of my experience:


Responsible Gambling Options:
PartyCasino provides robust and user-friendly responsible gambling tools. These options are effective and align with their commitment to promoting a healthy gambling environment.

Identity Verification:
The identity verification process is straightforward and quick. Submitting the required documents is simple, and approval typically happens without unnecessary delays.

Fast Withdrawals (Once Requirements Are Met):
Once all necessary documents are approved, withdrawals are processed quickly, providing players with minimal delays in receiving their funds.

Game Library:
The game list is well-organized, making it easy to navigate and find specific games or categories. Additionally, games open smoothly, with no technical issues interrupting gameplay.


Withdrawal Method Restrictions:
PartyCasino lacks flexibility in allowing players to choose their preferred withdrawal method. In my case, I faced a technical issue that prevented me from withdrawing to my Interac email. The platform required me to make another deposit via Interac to reactivate this method, which wasn’t possible due to my monthly gambling deposit limits. This forced me to find an alternative solution by transferring the funds to an old savings account that accepts wire transfers. The process was unnecessarily complicated and frustrating.

Customer Service and Risk Operations Disconnect:
A major drawback is the poor coordination between the customer service team and the Risk Operations Team. Players are often required to repeat the same information to both teams, creating a stressful and redundant experience. While this might be a strategy to identify fraudulent behavior, it significantly detracts from the user experience. Improved communication between these teams is essential.

Ghost Domains and Language Issues:
PartyCasino’s use of multiple ghost domains adds to the confusion. I’ve received emails from different domains, including Partypoker.com, and some were even in Russian. This inconsistent communication raises concerns about the platform’s professionalism and clarity.


Overall, PartyCasino delivers a solid online casino experience in some areas, with excellent responsible gambling tools, quick identity verification, and fast withdrawals once requirements are met. The game library is well-organized, and games run smoothly, enhancing the overall user experience.

However, the platform's inflexibility with withdrawal methods, poor internal communication between teams, and confusing email practices significantly undermine its strengths. Addressing these issues could elevate PartyCasino into a more user-friendly and reliable platform for players.

  • Responsible Gambling Options
  • Fast Identity Verification
  • Fast Withdrawals (Once Requirements Are Met)
  • Game Library
  • Customer Service and Risk Operations Disconnected
  • Ghost Domains and Language Issues
  • Withdrawal Method Restrictions
• 1 år siden
Jeg testede kasinoet for første gang. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig, at der var mere up-to-date slots der, det hele gør et lidt gammeldags, kedeligt indtryk, man føler, at man er på Merkur eller Novoline. At få gratis spins der er mere end svært fik mig også til at komme ud for 55 euro, hvilket jeg aldrig har gjort på noget casino før. Det ville helt klart være ønskeligt med flere tidssvarende slots, ikke kun solslots, som casinoet er meget præget af. Ud over de 100 % var der også 50 gratis spins til Legacy, som ikke engang indbragte 2 euro. Faktisk er det lige meget, hvor du spiller, om det er Party Slots, Leo Vegas, Löwenplay, Merkur, Novoline, det er altid de samme udbydere og slots, og Party Slots skiller sig ikke en smule ud fra alle de andre casinoer, som du ville sige: "Jeg spiller her." Jeg er glad for, at det er anderledes end de andre kasinoer.
  • Kundeservicen er venlig og hjælpsom, du kan også betale med PayPal. .Som sagt var det eneste jeg virkelig kunne lide den super venlige og rare kundeservice. Perfekt til soldyrkere og Novoline-fans.
  • Udbetalingstiden i banken er op til 5 dage, hos Paypal kan det være 8 timer på casinoet. Det er meget lang tid for en Paypal-udbetaling. Jeg søgte om pengene i onsdags, og da de stadig ikke var der i torsdags, spurgte jeg i fredags, og der stod 2 dage, og de var ærgerlige. (Vi diskuterede alt dette i går ifølge kundeservice.)
• 1 år siden
The only good thing about this casino is that withdraw process is pretty fast.

There are so many bad things about this casino, customer service is horrible they are disconnected from actually solving any problems you have but instead just tell you to read the terms and conditions which they think makes them right about everything. There are times when you are wagering to get bonus free spins and their system glitches and you don't get the bonus even when you show them proof with screen shots they won't give you your free spins you earned. I contacted them twice about this but they don't do anything other then tell you to read the terms and condition which still does not solve your issue. they can take your money very easily but when you are owed anything, they won't even make a attempt to make it right. There are far better casinos with bonuses and you can save yourself the frustration of wasting your time with their chat and emails.
• 1 år siden
I have submitted a complaint to resolver and if they require any details please provide them. The following complaint has been sent:

I am writing to complain about an issue regarding Partycasino. I have already raised the issue with this organisation and it has not been resolved.

I joined party casino on 21/08/2023 and deposited £500. I requested a withdrawal of £2700 but my account was temporarily disabled. Party casino requested documents from myself which I sent. These were a official government tax credits letter, a selfie of me holding my drivers licence and ma bank card used for depositing. After over a week my account was unlocked and I spoke to an advisor online and was told my withdrawal would now be processed as i was verified. I made two more small deposits from which I won £65. After these deposits were processed I was blocked again. I was told I would need to speak to somebody on the phone as a final step to get my account unlocked once again. I did this and the gentleman on the phone asked me questions all of which i answered. In an email i had mentioned i suffer from depression and anxiety. This is due to the passing of a close friend recently. The gentleman started asking if i am on medication etc. I told him i was not as it was due to a recent death. He was being very patronizing over the phone. I was told by this gentleman that Asim Iqbal who lives at the same address also used to have an account. I told him this is my husband and he had many accounts with online casinos so he most likely would have had one within the party casino label. I was told he did have an account within the brand label and he self excluded a month ago. I am aware of this as i urged him to do it as he was out of control. I was told it was a strange 'coincidence' that I opened an account around a month after he closed his. I was also told that my husband used to play one game that I also played, which is a very popular' slot. I was told this was a strange 'coincidance' too. All my friends play that slot game. I was talked to in a patronizing way as though I was a lier. I provided my ID and all documents requested and even sent a selfie of me holding my ID. I do not understand how a casino can make assumptions without facts. After the conversation I was told I would get an email when the issue was resolved. After contacting them repeatedly for around 3 weeks I received an email showing my withdrawal receipt. This was for the total amount of my deposits which were £565. I contacted party casino again and got an email telling me that my winnings totalling £2265 had been seized due to me having another account within the same label and this goes against their terms and conditions. The only other online gambling account I have is with Mr Q and this is not within the same label. If party casino can give any proof of me having another account within their label I will happily allow them to seize my winnings because i do not have one. I am 100% sure of this. My husband may have had an account within the label in the past but I have not. I am willing to do whatever asked to prove I do not have an account with any casinos within their label. I feel party casino is using an excuse to not have to pay me.

As I am sure you understand, my overall experience has been extremely frustrating, and I am after a reasonable and fair response from Partycasino.
  • Nothing
  • Don't like paying out
  • Make false excuses
  • Belittle you when you call them
  • Take weeks to give an answer
• 1 år siden
Party casino has always been good to be always withdrew winnings and it only casino where I have actually gained from it I've deposited considerable amount way way less then what I've actually withdrawn I think it was something $10+$14usa deposit cost me $16&24 NZD they was only deposits and I took over 10g NZD BUT since maybe only put in 1000 back in thisr so recently received a notice when loading casino that they no longer be available In my country at end of August really sucks does any one know why
  • Fast withdrawal
  • Easy live chat
  • Good customer service
  • They no longer operating in NEW ZEALAND
• 2 år siden
Jeg kan virkelig godt lide det, jeg håber, at jeg endelig har fundet et kasino i byen, jeg bliver. Alt er meget hurtigt, gevinsterne er fine, jeg har ingen klager. Nu skal jeg bare vente på betalingen for at se om det bliver... det anbefaler jeg

Hvordan har Party Casino opnået sit sikkerhedsindeks?

Tag et kig på de faktorer, vi tager i betragtning, når vi beregner sikkerhedsindekset for Party Casino. Sikkerhedsindekset er den primære parameter, vi bruger til at beskrive troværdigheden, fairnessen og kvaliteten på alle online casinoerne i vores database.

Særdeles stort casino, baseret på vores research og estimater
Vi betragter casinoets vilkår og betingelser som fair
Ikke fundet på relevante blacklister over casinoer
Ingen eller særdeles lav værdi af tilbageholdte gevinster i klagesager set i forhold til casinoets størrelse
Vi har også taget hensyn til en række andre faktorer, der har en neutral indflydelse på casinoets sikkerhedsindeks
Casinoets sikkerhedsindeks er beregnet ud fra vores research og data indsamlet af vores anmelderteam. Læs mere om, hvordan vi udarbejder vores casinoanmeldelser

Har casinoet opført sig unfair over for dig?

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Løst Vores afgørelse

Sag lukket

Omstridt beløb: 250 €
bwin Casino DK
Indsendt: 02.06.2023
Løst Vores afgørelse

Sag lukket

Omstridt beløb: 22,5 €
bwin Casino DK
Indsendt: 11.02.2021

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Casino Guru

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